In fearful times, turn toward the light…

Super excited to be this week’s People & Blogs interview. I love this series and it was fun to be part of it.

When you love something made by a terrible person…

Finished reading: A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny πŸ“š

The only issue I have with the lovely, well-plotted, thoughtful Inspector Gamache books is how hungry I get. They’re always eating and drinking delicious things.

Finished reading: Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler πŸ“š

Loved it again.

I am full of schemes…

It’s okay to not know, and it’s okay to wait…

This is such a beautiful, poignant, thoughtful piece: 46 books by

πŸ₯Ύanother beautiful hike in the snow.

The woods: bare trees in snowy ground. A small creek runs across studded with snow covered rocks.

The woods: a gray sky in the background. Bare deciduous trees stand tall on either side of a small creek. Snow covers the ground.

Currently reading: The Evolving Self by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi πŸ“š

“Truly creative individuals are those who succeed, against all pressures of instinct and wordly wisdom, in visualizing a way of life that will make the lot of others freer and happier. …The idea of free will is a self-fulfilling prophecy; those who abide by it are liberated from the absolute determinism of external forces.”

πŸ‘‰ Currently reading: The Evolving Self by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi πŸ“š

While striving to change the course of history we cannot wish away the constraints that the past has burdened us with; to do so would lead only to frustration and disillusion. Knowledge of these forces that determine consciousness and action, however, can make it possible for us to become liberated from them: to become free to decide what to think, what to feel, and how to act.

False equivalencies…

β€œI’m not upside-downβ€”YOU’RE upside-down.”

What courage feels like…

What to worry about…

πŸ”— I really like @tracydurnell’s rules for where reading attention goes:

1: Choose what to read based on my interest, not β€œto be an informed person”
2: Be skeptical of titles that invoke fear; be wary of articles framed to make me feel superior to others
3: Prioritize information that will directly impact my life or community; pay less attention to news outside my control

Do you dabble? Meander? Peruse and putter?…

Currently reading: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman πŸ“š

It’s scary to confront the truth that almost everything worth doing… depends on cooperating with others, and therefore on exposing yourself to the emotional uncertainties of relationship. …The more individual sovereignty you achieve over your time, the lonelier you get.