

Full Post List

Oct 20, 2024: Ayyoooo blogging again! — Relationship circles

Oct 20, 2024: This gift just arrived, sent anonymously. Not sure what it says about me that poop jokes are a frequent enough occurrence in all my friendships that …

Oct 20, 2024: Checking in on @darby3 marathon progress—pretty cool!!

Oct 20, 2024: Something my kids appreciate about me is how good I am at those little touches that bring a real high-end aesthetic to our home. They don’t tell me …

Oct 19, 2024: Peach butter (from the farmer’s market) on homemade sourdough (from my Dad) so yeah IT IS A GOOD DAY

Oct 17, 2024: Whooooo we’re blogging! —— How to do the RSS - annie’s blog

Oct 17, 2024: Trying this mushroom coffee I forgot I had, reaching the same conclusion as before: Lo, the mushroom cannot replace the coffee bean. It hath been …

Oct 17, 2024: This is so good. I am seeking to unveil reality, not impose a pre-formulated narrative upon it; sometimes stories help, and sometimes they don’t. A …

Oct 17, 2024: Currently hanging in the co-working discord where there’s some streaming + chatting about something to do with email and it’s like …

Oct 16, 2024: good advice - from Nicholas Bate

Oct 15, 2024: Is it another little blog post? Yep, sure is! ——How to be confident - annie’s blog

Oct 15, 2024: Just noticed that the one coffee travel mug I’ve been using exclusively for the last 6 weeks is flaking off bits of… something…? …

Oct 13, 2024: What? Another little blog post? Yes! ——The week has gone, the week is ahead - annie’s blog

Oct 12, 2024: What’s this? It’s a little blog post! —— I love your week notes and day notes and art and lists - annie’s blog

Oct 12, 2024: Friends I am delighted to report that project #movingtwice2024 is now completed. All the things have been moved. It’s all in shambles disarray & …

Oct 11, 2024: I have to talk about my secret hairstyle

Oct 10, 2024: I wonder if I was a good wife #100daystooffload

Oct 10, 2024: I am certainly no expert at parenting but I can tell you without a doubt one thing my four teens really love and appreciate about me (as a person but …

Oct 10, 2024: Things I need to do: 1) Pack. Things I don’t want to do: 1) Pack.

Oct 9, 2024: Systems and change

Oct 9, 2024: I’m pretty sure it was a MB pal who recommended Dina Ögon but I didn’t bookmark the post, anyway, whoever you are, THANKS.

Oct 8, 2024: Dear friends and family who are thinking about voting for Trump (I will almost certainly regret this.)

Oct 8, 2024: The dearest freshness deep down things This is one of my favorite poems. I memorized it several years ago, but haven’t read it, or tried reciting it, in… months and months. …

Oct 7, 2024: I love getting older #100daystooffload

Oct 7, 2024: Ah football weather! First half: sweating as the blazing sun shines directly on my face and 127 new freckles appear on my blistering forehead. Second …

Oct 6, 2024: Just do the thing

Oct 5, 2024: To walk open-eyed through the earth:

Oct 5, 2024: We made incantation bowls

Oct 5, 2024: To make it even easier to get blogging (rather than “managing content”), we’ve decided to offer a coupon for the entire month of October. Sign up for …

Oct 4, 2024: I rarely remember my dreams. But last night: I dreamed I was dating a man I met while hiking. (Sure, why not.) Things were going well until one day …

Oct 3, 2024: As I’ve considered climate impacts, I’ve come to recognize that there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide — we are all in this together. While it’s …

Oct 3, 2024: 👋📝ℹ️ Doing a writeup (for work) of apps/software for time zone conversion/management. Please share #recommendations if that’s something you deal …

Oct 2, 2024: 🎶Remi Wolf “Prescription”

Oct 2, 2024: Usually my past FB self is incomprehensible to me but this one still rings true

Oct 2, 2024: Inspired by @amerpie’s recent post about memorable internet moments: Prodigy chatroom stories from ye olde Internet days Kevin, wherever you …

Oct 1, 2024: today: my 18yo texted that she misses me my 16yo taught me some new slang (I forgot it already) my 15yo said he’s impressed w/ how I keep …

Sep 30, 2024: The secret power of a blog from @tracydurnell A blog gives you the space to explore and nurture ideas over time, perhaps growing so slowly you hardly …

Sep 30, 2024: one of the things I love most about working from home is nobody makes fun of my moves when I’m dancing at the standing desk

Sep 30, 2024: Last night’s vat o' soup: turkey chili w/ white beans and herbs and queso. Yum? Yes. Yum.

Sep 29, 2024: Feels like time to make a vat of soup

Sep 29, 2024:

Sep 28, 2024: well i super fucking love this

Sep 28, 2024:

Sep 28, 2024: i probably shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet anymore today

Sep 27, 2024: OMG A FLOOD OF GUESTBOOK SIGNINGS I AM FILLED WITH GREAT JOY also I made my blog title pretty with CSS (i am basically an internet wizard now)

Sep 25, 2024: HEY FRIENDS I just moved my blog to Pika! Come see! omg it’s so great! ALSO sign my guestbook please IT BRINGS ME GREAT JOY. ⮕

Sep 22, 2024: Making baked apples the way I remember my Mom making them. We’ll see if they taste as good as I remember, too.

Sep 22, 2024: just canceled ~ $70 of subscriptions. That felt really good.

Sep 21, 2024: mocking enthusiasm is such a shitty form of cowardice

Sep 20, 2024: Which seat will I take tho?

Sep 20, 2024: ignorance + curiosity = a sense of wonder // ignorance + fear = a sense of terror, impending doom

Sep 19, 2024: Beabadobee concert last night with Lily! Super fun but oof, general admission floor seats: my feet may not recover. Average age of concert-goer seemed …

Sep 17, 2024: Currently reading: The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera 📚

Sep 17, 2024: Tuesday night vibes

Sep 17, 2024: Clothes — A Daily Thread – Post 9 | @patrickrhone “I don’t have answers. Only questions. Questions about a t-shirt that end up in exploitation …

Sep 17, 2024: I haven’t updated, I’m using my beloved 13 mini till it dies, I don’t even have any new apps but I wanted to share my home screen …

Sep 17, 2024: Finished reading: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene 📚 Took me a full year to get through this one.

Sep 15, 2024: Getting accommodations at work shouldn’t be so hard by @tracydurnell “I shouldn’t have to feel lucky that I could afford to give myself what I …

Sep 14, 2024: Beer and bags of food at 10 in the morning because there’s no rules at a festival

Sep 14, 2024: Mara’s back for the weekend 💜 Home feels complete.

Sep 13, 2024: I have very specific standards for wine: Red < $15 Cool label

Sep 13, 2024: Just got a timeline: Our apartment remodel should be done Oct 1, move back in Oct 4-5 weekend. Faster than I thought, which is great! but I’m …

Sep 12, 2024: i like charts. from How the Online Right Fell Apart

Sep 12, 2024: D&D night woooooooo!

Sep 12, 2024: this is cool. found here through

Sep 11, 2024: A lot of my best meals are random circumstantial combinations of whatever’s around. Today’s lunch, for instance: leftover cauliflower, …


Sep 10, 2024: Kamala coming in with some zingers before the half woooohoooo


Sep 10, 2024: living for Kamala’s head shakes and scoffing facial expressions. Yes. that’s the only level of regard he merits

Sep 5, 2024: No feeling is final Let everything happen to you Beauty and terror Just keep going No feeling is final. ―Rainer Maria Rilke I’ve had to learn that no feeling is final. …

Sep 3, 2024: A venn diagram of dating options

Sep 3, 2024: Substitutionary grief; Or why I am crying over a crushed flower, an insurance commercial, spilled milk There are some pains that are so vast and deep you have to shy right past them and find another, smaller pain to dip into. You have to grieve, to …

Sep 2, 2024: A few delightful things: about to start playing Cult of the Lamb co-op with one of my best friends just spent 5 hours making pickled things with two …

Sep 1, 2024: All that is within me Self is / I am: a sloppy mess of life, bundled up and spilling out. Even in the best moments, so many rough edges. Here I am giving too-long looks and …

Aug 30, 2024: I’ve been menopausal for almost 7 years now, have read lots of books and done lots of research on dealing with what that means, staying healthy, …

Aug 28, 2024: There is a girl inside by Lucille Clifton There is a girl inside. She is randy as a wolf. She will not walk away and leave these bones to an old …

Aug 26, 2024: I’ve always thought it odd how I have some memories that are crystal clear, and so many large portions of my past life that are gone, escaped …

Aug 22, 2024: Lessons from another summer I didn’t go to the pool at all this summer, which is weird. The last few summers I spent as much time as I could at the pool. This summer? Just …

Aug 20, 2024: Kids are back to school today: M is 2 hours away starting college. R is a senior in high school. Z is a sophomore. And L is in 7th grade. TIME IT DOES …

Aug 18, 2024: Nick Cave, quoted here: “Much of my early life was spent holding the world and the people in it in contempt. It was a position both seductive and …

Jul 29, 2024: Morning walk Y43D031

Jul 19, 2024: how’s everybody in IT doing today? 😬 hanging in there?

Jul 12, 2024: community, community, community. So many questions keep leading me back to this same answer.

Jun 27, 2024: well, that was awful

Jun 27, 2024: am i really listening to the potential leaders of usa insult each other over their golf capabilities and that’s what we’re doing? okay …

Jun 27, 2024: watching the presidential debate of the united states of america and a key point is about ‘having sex with a porn star’ and so …

Jun 27, 2024: biden needs a nap, donald needs a straitjacket

Jun 27, 2024: trump just called biden “a very bad palestinian” so okay


Jun 27, 2024: dying throes of a colonizing empire sure are ugly

Jun 27, 2024: after birth? wtf is he talking about

Jun 27, 2024: donald is so dumb, biden is so old, i am so depressed

Jun 19, 2024: eye of the tiger catto

Jun 18, 2024: easy lunch: couple of cans of chickpeas + diced celery, cucumber, pepper + feta cheese + marinated artichoke hearts. Tossed in the oil from the …

Jun 15, 2024: Books I read through the divorce process. The progression is 🤣

Jun 11, 2024: How small that is, with which we wrestle, what wrestles with us, how immense; were we to let ourselves, the way things do, be conquered thus by the …

Jun 10, 2024: Finished reading: A Life of Meaning by James Hollis, Ph.D. 📚 We swim in the mystery, and we have to track the movement of Divinity through the …

Jun 7, 2024: Mandy Brown, Gather your gossips: Capitalism needed to disparage women’s talk in order to bring itself about because women’s talk—that is, talk that …

May 16, 2024: Observed while driving L to school: A young woman walking her dog. She keeps glancing at her dog with this sweet, satisfied half-smile like she's just …

May 15, 2024: Finished reading: Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson 📚 I hated waiting. If I had one particular complaint, it was that my life seemed composed …

May 14, 2024: Knowing is a great strength and also a form of pleasure. Currently reading: Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux 📚

May 14, 2024: Finished reading: As Nature Made Him by John Colapinto 📚 This one will stay with me. True story. Heartbreaking. An infant boy’s botched …

May 12, 2024: So proud of her. Outstanding senior, academic honors, scholarship recipient, motivated and hardworking, grounded and kind, confident, hilarious, …

May 7, 2024: From flexibility to structure I started freelance writing because of the flexibility. For all the years my kids were babies, and on through several years of homeschooling, I got to …

May 6, 2024: If my body If my body is currency I will spend it on myself. If my body is property I will own it myself. If my body is a place I will live in it myself. If my …

May 6, 2024: From yesterday’s hiking church. I could listen to this for hours.

May 3, 2024: Death is in the room A few weeks ago, one of Z’s teammates lost his dad. I didn’t know the man, and I don’t know the details. But I used to see him at every one of the …

May 2, 2024: Retrospective 1 When we visited Puerto Rico in March, the first few days I kept thinking I’d forgotten something important. It felt like I was missing …

May 1, 2024: Hiking church On Sundays, almost every Sunday morning, I go hiking with my friend Jenn. We have a steady little cycle now, 5 or so local trails we rotate through. …

Apr 29, 2024: The reality that my child is graduating high school in a week and moving out in a few months is hitting hard this morning. Cannot stop crying. I’m so …

Apr 26, 2024: Read this quote in James Clear’s latest newsletter: “Selfish people should listen to advice to be more selfless, selfless people should …

Apr 25, 2024: Finished reading: The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin 📚 After reading Tomorrow x3, I wanted to read more by Zevin. This one was …

Apr 25, 2024: 2024: Emilie and the Hollow World by Martha Wells 📚 A fun, quick, intelligent YA read. Victorianesque adventuring + hidden worlds + merpeople + clever …

Apr 8, 2024: I was a little bummed all the kids would be seeing the eclipse at school (and not at home with me). Then 2 of mine came down with the flu this …

Apr 4, 2024: How to be the most powerful person in the room Get comfortable with discomfort. If you can tolerate more discomfort than anyone else in the room, you’re the most powerful person there. If you can …

Apr 4, 2024: Finished reading: The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher 📚 “…but it is somehow easier to face things when one is not alone. Courage still does most of …

Apr 4, 2024: I love the gorgeous colors of these tulips. The foliage is nice too 😁 #mbapr

Apr 2, 2024: We are tiny One of the things I like most about reality, as far as I understand it, is how all the very big things are made of very very small things. And the …

Apr 1, 2024: It’s all very serious Months ago a friend said, “Well, I don’t take anything I think very seriously.” This made me pause. Because I knew, immediately: I am the opposite. I …

Apr 1, 2024: 🥾Yesterday’s hiking church

Mar 29, 2024: Finished reading: Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel 📚 A recommendation from @jordon. A great vacation read, would be a great anytime read. Funny and …

Mar 29, 2024: Finished reading: The Lost Steersman (The Steerswoman Series) (Volume 3) by Rosemary Kirstein 📚

Mar 29, 2024: Finished reading: The Outskirter’s Secret (The Steerswoman Series) (Volume 2) by Rosemary Kirstein 📚

Mar 29, 2024: Finished reading: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (Enhanced Edition) by Charles Yu 📚 Enjoyed this one. It’s a philosophy book …

Mar 29, 2024: 💜 friends 💜

Mar 24, 2024: Last day in Rincón. Enjoying every moment. Have discovered that, for an introvert, vacations with children + meeting with old friends is both …

Mar 23, 2024: 🧡🇵🇷☀️😍

Mar 20, 2024: Spent yesterday connecting with friends, enjoying the beach, and walking in Viejo San Juan. My dormant Spanish skills are coming back a little bit.

Mar 19, 2024: Headphones are a paid actor on this journey

Mar 18, 2024: ✈️ StL ➡️ San Juan

Mar 13, 2024: Currently reading: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (Enhanced Edition) by Charles Yu 📚 Time is a machine: it will convert your pain …

Mar 13, 2024: Sunshine, breeze, warm, things in bloom. Great day for a balcony break.

Mar 13, 2024: For sure, this is what e e cummings envisioned.

Mar 12, 2024: Morning walk

Mar 11, 2024: HEY It’s time TIME TO DANCE IN YOUR KITCHEN (Or anywhere really)

Mar 10, 2024: At least once a week, a new set or two of these in my photo library courtesy of Lily. 😂🥰

Mar 10, 2024: Finished reading: The Steerswoman (Steerswoman Series) by Rosemary Kirstein 📚 What an enjoyable book. One review describes it as “excellent …

Mar 10, 2024: 🥾 Today’s hiking church - LaBarque Hills Trail. Little signs of spring everywhere.

Mar 8, 2024: I was out taking my stupid little mental health walk when this song popped up. I was laughing out loud. Hilarious, a groove, and surefire motivation …

Mar 7, 2024: Milestone: first post-divorce big trip with the kids In 10 days, I’m taking the kids to Puerto Rico for a long week of vacation. I’m so excited to relax at our favorite beaches, visit …

Mar 6, 2024: Finished reading: Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher 📚 Really enjoyed this one. Female protagonists (love), good writing, endearing story but not …

Mar 5, 2024: February reading 📚 The Month of Ursula, apparently. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le …

Mar 5, 2024: Finished reading: The Lathe Of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 So good, of course. This one is going to linger in my brain.

Mar 4, 2024: just overheard Lauryn Hill and Amy Winehouse referred to as OLDER MUSIC so anyway bye I’m gonna go dig my own grave and lie down in it

Mar 3, 2024: 🥾hello, darlings

Mar 2, 2024: Supply Side Jesus - animated

Mar 2, 2024: Does anybody else have a “car book”? Just a book… that stays in your car… There when you’re waiting for a few minutes …

Feb 29, 2024: Finished reading: No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. 📚 Got the overview of internal family systems I was looking for in the first half, skimmed …

Feb 29, 2024: Checking this site periodically for little dopamine hits: donald trump’s debt: live tracker

Feb 29, 2024: Of the Empire (Mary Oliver) We will be known as a culture that feared death and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity for the few and cared little for the penury of the …

Feb 28, 2024: coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon

Feb 27, 2024: Missouri law says pregnant women can’t get divorced: As it stands, Missouri judges cannot legally finalize a divorce if a woman is pregnant. Three …

Feb 27, 2024: Hazel is both fascinated and terrified by everything outside.

Feb 26, 2024: Sick kids last week brought home a virus. I have it now. Cons: sickness, feel gross, achy, can’t focus, exhausted Pros: guess I’ll have to …

Feb 25, 2024: Balcony weather ☀️💛

Feb 25, 2024: The only solid partitions left were inside the head. Currently reading: The Lathe Of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

Feb 25, 2024: Ended up with an unexpected free night last night. The nearest interesting thing turned out to be a small underground techno show. Danced for three …

Feb 24, 2024: Caturday naps

Feb 23, 2024: is there anything on earth better than a pan of tiny baby potatoes tossed in olive oil and herbs and sea salt and maybe a little parmesan and lemon …

Feb 23, 2024: i made my teens this diagram of dating options. wonder if they’ll pay any attention to it. (we like different, but it’s not all good …

Feb 22, 2024: Today my kiddo went to the gym with me — he’s 14, a wrestler, used to doing pretty intense workouts. He pushes me to try a little more, go a little …

Feb 22, 2024: The simplified pricing multiple blog allowance solved a problem I’ve had for a while: what to do with all the facebook memories I want to keep. …

Feb 20, 2024: Finished reading: Jar City by Arnaldur Indridason 📚

Feb 20, 2024: And amen. (Mary Oliver, “It Was Early”)

Feb 19, 2024: I was tinkering with my CSS last night when the server went out and LET ME TELL YOU about the small heart attack I had when I thought for a …

Feb 18, 2024: 🥾 today’s hiking church — couple of inches of snow made it so pretty.

Feb 17, 2024: being the dumbest person in the room: I love learning not for an end goal (though sometimes I have those). I love learning as a process. It’s a …

Feb 17, 2024: Finished reading: A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross 📚 Surprisingly deep and tender, with layers I didn’t expect and complex relationships. I was a tad …

Feb 17, 2024: Finished reading: The Farthest Shore by Ursula K 📚

Feb 17, 2024: Finished reading: The Tombs of Atuan (2) (Earthsea Cycle) by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

Feb 15, 2024: Every day I wake up and thank God that I did not have access to social media or dating apps in my teen years or early adulthood

Feb 15, 2024: To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I…. Got my taxes done. 😍😅Me and the IRS, a love story I never expected. Meet cute at HR Block. Think I’ll buy myself …

Feb 13, 2024: 📺 Fargo - Season 1 A goddamn delight.

Feb 13, 2024: what am I missing here… preview looks fine, published post is all [[[()()([][][]

Feb 13, 2024: January reading: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver White Tears/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver The Internet Con …

Feb 11, 2024: R (16yo): Mom lemme hook you up with some sick pants. Try these on. Heavy wide leg too-big denim taking me right back to the 90s.

Feb 10, 2024: Lately my youngest has expressed an interest in religion, which is fine. But I gotta say it’s a little weird when she brings home church info from a …

Feb 9, 2024: From the last few hikes 🥾

Feb 8, 2024: WUT

Feb 8, 2024: Finished reading: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 Somehow I read Tombs of Atuan several years ago, but skipped this one, the first in the …

Jan 21, 2024: Finished reading: White Tears/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad 📚 Everything I might say about this book seems inadequate, so I’ll just say this: If …

Jan 19, 2024: who’s doing newsletters via microblog? one of my projects for january is to move my newsletter. it’s either buttondown or microblog.

Jan 19, 2024: We’ve tried making Big Tech into better tech for decades. That project has been an abject failure. To make tech better, we have to make it …

Jan 19, 2024: Year in books for 2023 Trying this post again. Here are the books I finished reading in 2023. More than I realized. Overall Favorites: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - …

Jan 19, 2024: I’m not usually ever excited about laundry but today I am. The laundry facilities in our apartment complex are finally working. After 5 months of …

Jan 16, 2024: Finished reading: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver 📚 First book of 2024, and what a great one to start the year. Kingsolver has such a gift for …

Jan 14, 2024: Great finds from favorite authors at my last used bookstore visit.

Jan 9, 2024: 🥾Haven’t posted photos from hikes lately, but they’re ongoing. I really enjoy cold weather hikes.

Jan 4, 2024: Last year I got an external monitor (after working exclusively on a laptop for 20 years, what was I thinking??) which changed my life honestly. For …

Jan 4, 2024: Christopher Butler, The View from Here: I have noticed that I am most happy — with myself, with my circumstances, with the world — when I am most …

Jan 4, 2024: 2024!

Dec 18, 2023: 3 options when dealing with a problem: Accept it. It is what it is. Out of your control. Quit resisting it, then. You’re wasting energy. Take …

Dec 11, 2023: Beautiful hike along the river yesterday 🥾

Dec 9, 2023: We have a cute (reseller) Lego store in our downtown area. I learned you can rent the entire store out for a couple of hours, reasonable price. I …

Dec 6, 2023: 2 good reminders from my boss, on a team call yesterday: “What we don’t do matters as much as what we do.” “Often what helps …

Dec 2, 2023: Also also. There was a wrestler on an opposing team who didn’t have legs. No legs. Amazing to watch him holding his own, wrestling these kids with all …

Dec 2, 2023: Also Zeke did great. He won 3/5 matches but most importantly worked hard to be ready, did his best, and had a great attitude.

Dec 2, 2023: Just spent 7 hours after a wrestling meet. WOW this sports parenting stuff is not kidding around.

Nov 30, 2023: I want to get a game to play with my kids but…. we’re not really board game people. We play cards against humanity but are all kind of …

Nov 27, 2023: In a fractal conception, I am a cell-sized unit of a human organism, and I have to use my life to leverage a shift in the system by How I am,, as much …

Nov 14, 2023: Finished reading: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides 📚 There’s this one song by BENEE that starts with the line: “That was a waste of …

Nov 14, 2023: Finished reading: The World That We Knew by Alice Hoffman 📚 Hoffman is good at the right amount of specificity. Some writers kill me with page-long …

Nov 14, 2023: Finished reading: Crystal Singer by Anne McCaffrey 📚 A random grab from my last used book haul. A fun read, good world-building. The characters were …

Nov 14, 2023: Inconsistent consistency still works Okay so here’s the thing about being consistent: you can be inconsistent about it and it still works. Like this: You can write for 20 minutes today …

Nov 14, 2023: Life is just a bunch of little things stacked up. Early mornings, fresh coffee, fresh air, movement, satisfying work, time for writing, good food, …

Nov 11, 2023: Nice when a one-hour wait between kid drop off and pickup is near a decent tap house

Nov 10, 2023: Do you ever think: “Nothing matters” or “I’m doing it all wrong” or “What’s the point?” Sometimes I think that too. Then I go outside.

Nov 6, 2023: Beautiful morning for a run.🏃‍♀️

Oct 30, 2023: Kept one child home from school today: fever, stomach unwell. Second child called for a pickup with the same symptoms. En route, third child texted me …

Oct 28, 2023: I am what I am doing right now: I am my own best souvenir. I was in no danger of forgetting that four years of my life, and I am in no danger of …

Oct 26, 2023: Finished reading: For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten 📚 A random pick from my last library visit. This fantasy has a lot going for it if you like a certain …

Oct 26, 2023: Finished reading: Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See 📚 I enjoyed this one. An easy read inspired by “the true story of a woman …

Oct 26, 2023: Morning sky

Oct 26, 2023: A needed reminder: Any thing you can think of follows this same path. Any action by any being gently changes the world. Live accordingly.

Oct 24, 2023: Favorite part of last weekend: Going to Renaissance Festival with friends, dressed as monks, walking around and re-enacting this scene from Monty …

Oct 24, 2023: The kids' bus was very late today, so I had to cut my run short & drive them to school. Since I was in the car & near the park, I stopped for …

Oct 22, 2023: Such a beautiful day for #hikingchurch. The colors are lighting up.

Oct 21, 2023: I love @effinbirds every day but especially on days like today when I had a particularly infuriating conversation.

Oct 20, 2023: my brain is not brain-ing very well today

Oct 19, 2023: A journal of collective delight, open for public contributions.

Oct 18, 2023: Like he said, it’s always the same—they start out burning books and end up burning people. —Terry Hayes, I Am Pilgrim Sub “banning” for …

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚 When a book has this much hype, I usually avoid it because inevitably I …

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber 📚 I’ve read a lot of parenting books and …

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: Binti (Binti, 1) by Nnedi Okorafor 📚 Really enjoyed this sci-fi afrofuturism novella, though I didn’t expect to at first. The …

Oct 18, 2023: sorry for all the reading posts at once, catching up on the backlog

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes 📚 Engaging spy thriller in the post-9/11 world, with a good helping of the assumptions and politics from …

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler 📚 Second read (after many years). Plenty to think about (knowledge, memory, understanding, …

Oct 18, 2023: Finished reading: The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah 📚 A lovely YA book (not sure if it’s supposed to be YA but it reads that way to me) dealing …

Oct 18, 2023: Saw an albino (I guess?) squirrel this morning on my run. Tried to grab a photo but it scampered into the branches too fast. It was so cute, a very …

Oct 16, 2023: Up to 6!

Oct 16, 2023: Got to give an ultrasound to a sheep (she’s having twins!) at the State Tech open house. My oldest is planning to attend here next year to learn …

Oct 15, 2023: A good afternoon

Oct 14, 2023: Venkatesh Rao, Logics of Caring: We can actually just attend to the world we’re living in, rather than to derelict stories about it. Stories are nice …

Oct 12, 2023: Today was a 10/10 day and I’m just kind of dumbfounded and delighted with my own life right now. Nothing new or dramatic. Just putting little bits in …

Oct 11, 2023: can you imagine reading this paragraph in 1989

Oct 10, 2023: It’s only Tuesday? What a week (already)!

Oct 5, 2023: Nobody is more committed to the bit than Gordon Ramsey

Oct 5, 2023: My friend just sent me a link to this crochet pattern and I think this IS the winter I will learn to crochet

Oct 1, 2023: Important perspective from Patrick: I thought to myself that if I could go back in time from age 56, I’d let that 26 year old know not to do one …

Oct 1, 2023: 📸 day 30 / peace. Peace is a treasure. #mbsept

Sep 29, 2023: 📸 day 29 / contrast #mbsept

Sep 29, 2023: 📸 day 28 / workout #mbsept

Sep 29, 2023: 📸 day 27 / holy embrace? #mbsept

Sep 26, 2023: 📸 day 26 / beverage #mbsept

Sep 25, 2023: 📸 day 25 / flare

Sep 25, 2023: 📸 day 24 / belt #mbsept (Security often requires removing belts with big buckles, a factoid we learned moments before this photo)

Sep 24, 2023: 📸 day 23 / day in the life #mbsept Took this photo yesterday, picking up my daughter from the park downtown

Sep 22, 2023: 📸 day 22 / road #mbsept

Sep 21, 2023: I have been tracking my working time lately (ie how much time spent on x task or z project) and lemme tell you, I am really bad at estimating how much …

Sep 21, 2023: It’s D&D night!!

Sep 21, 2023: 📸 day 21 / fall #mbsept

Sep 20, 2023: 📸 day 20 / disruption #mbsept

Sep 20, 2023: Asking for recommendations: a decent office chair. My space is small and many ergonomic chairs I’ve looked at are L A R G E. Also, I’m not …

Sep 20, 2023: A good writing practice: write the thing. Edit the thing. Let it sit for a while. Then make it 10% better. There’s always something to improve. Maybe …

Sep 19, 2023: 📸 day 19 / edge #mbsept I jumped from that edge into the river a few minutes later

Sep 19, 2023: Look, it’s ridiculous that we send people to space and have nanotechnology in our homes but if I want to know how healthy my boobs are I have to smash …

Sep 18, 2023: I have a good relationship with my teens and we’ve worked hard to establish good honest respectful communication and that’s all wonderful and I’m …

Sep 18, 2023: 📸 day 18 / fabric #mbsept Getting closer to cozy season!

Sep 18, 2023: 🥾 Yesterday’s hiking church // Declue and Eagle Valley Trails in Greensfelder

Sep 18, 2023: 📸 day 17 / intense #mbsept My office decor is a little intense for some but hey, that’s why I work remote 😚

Sep 18, 2023: There is enough time to do what matters to me today. There is enough time to do what matters, without rush, without stress. There is not enough time …

Sep 16, 2023: 📸 day 16 / oof!

Sep 16, 2023: 📸 day 15 / red #mbsept My mom, 1983

Sep 15, 2023: 📸 day 14 / statue #mbsept Well, a day late on this but here’s a heavy dose of Americana, circa 2015

Sep 13, 2023: 📸 day 13 / glowing #mbsept Sunset view on the train to Kansas City

Sep 12, 2023: 📸 day 12 / panic #mbsept Today has been one helluva day and my little evening ritual of finding a photo is both soothing and poignant. Here’s Roomba …

Sep 12, 2023: 💔We lost our quirky fun cuddly Roomba today. Completely unexpected. He was only 1 1/2 years old. He was playing, then he convulsed, fell over, and …

Sep 11, 2023: 📸 day 11 / retrospect #mbsept

Sep 10, 2023: 📸 day 10 / cycle #mbsept

Sep 10, 2023: 🥾today’s hiking church / Green Rock Trail, Rockwoods Reservation. One of my favorite local trails.

Sep 9, 2023: 📸 day 9 / language #mbsept

Sep 8, 2023: 📸 day 8 / when the roll is called up yonder #mbsept 📍Starkville, Mississippi: where I grew up and where my Mom is buried. This photo is from 2020. I …

Sep 8, 2023: The one who stands on the soapbox may be foolish, but the one who listens to him is more foolish still. And more foolish than both is the one who …

Sep 7, 2023: 📸 day 7 / panorama #mbsept 📍Sand dunes near Gardiner, Oregon // 2020

Sep 6, 2023: How do you add accessibility description to a photo on Gluon? If it’s there I am just missing it

Sep 6, 2023: Landlord asked me to take down my balcony flags because a new resident doesn’t love them. Buddy, I’ll consider it when we have more than one working …

Sep 6, 2023: 📸 day 6 / well #mbsept 🍺 a brewery is a type of well if we’re willing to stretch the definition, and I am

Sep 5, 2023: When you realize you have made it to a place that seemed unattainable Sitting on my balcony, glass of wine and a good book, peace in my heart, gratitude for what is and acceptance of what isn’t. Three years ago my life …

Sep 5, 2023: I am loving all these forest photos today. Trees 😍😍😍 swoon

Sep 5, 2023: 📸 day 5 / forest #mbsept 📍Olympic National Forest, Washington // 2020

Sep 5, 2023: Just Testing something 😊

Sep 4, 2023: 📸 day 4 / orange #mbsept 🏃‍♀️ really didn’t feel like getting out this morning but glad I did. Worth it to see the morning sky.

Sep 3, 2023: Finished reading: All About Love by bell hooks 📚 Understanding all the ways fear stands in the way of our knowing love challenges us. Fearful that …

Sep 3, 2023: Currently reading: All About Love by bell hooks 📚 Love knows no shame. To be loving is to be open to grief, to be touched by sorrow, even sorrow that …

Sep 3, 2023: Currently reading: All About Love by bell hooks 📚 Importantly, like many other women and men (irrespective of sexual preference) who are in …

Sep 3, 2023: Finished reading: Tiny Habits by B. J. Fogg 📚 Didn’t read cover-to-cover, but skimmed and extracted from the parts that were useful to me. As …

Sep 3, 2023: Finished reading: The Women’s War by Jenna Glass 📚 Interesting and timely premise (well, it’s been timely through the history of …

Sep 3, 2023: Finished reading: Uncultured by Daniella Mestyanek Young 📚 Heartbreaking account of the author’s upbringing in a cult, escape and subsequent …

Sep 3, 2023: 📸 day 3 / precious #mbsept

Sep 2, 2023: 📸 day 2 / buildup #mbsept

Sep 1, 2023: 📸 Day 1 / abstract #mbsept

Sep 1, 2023: I am so ready for the long weekend. We have no plans and I’m doing my best to keep it that way. The kids are glad to be back at school/around …

Aug 31, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ loving these cooler morning temps.

Aug 28, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ Storms this weekend broke the soup-like humidity and high temps we’ve had lately. This morning’s run felt delicious.

Aug 27, 2023: Under pressure

Aug 27, 2023: I really enjoy tarot as a tool for reflection and unearthing what’s really on my mind that I’m not letting myself think about

Aug 27, 2023: Bukowski, again and again

Aug 26, 2023: Girl dinner 😌

Aug 26, 2023: There’s a writing project I’ve been very slowly working on for a while, and stuck on how to approach some of it, and last night the solution kinda …

Aug 23, 2023: Just turned on the debate and I already regret it.

Aug 23, 2023: The air is soup. Not a light broth but heavy thick soup. Almost a stew really. I didn’t feel like I was running this morning, more like swimming …

Aug 22, 2023: And they’re off, blessed by the enigmatic but loving gaze of Ice Spice as they head back to school. 6th, 9th, 11th, and 12th. How did this happen so …

Aug 20, 2023: Perfect way to close out the summer

Aug 19, 2023: Mornings at the lake

Aug 17, 2023: You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. Anne …

Aug 15, 2023: What could be a grim reality has instead pumped his life full of vigor. Has made him live big and good. I have strived my whole life to follow in his …

Aug 13, 2023: Butter chicken in the slow cooker turned out delicious. Used this recipe as a guide and adjusted for what I had on hand.

Aug 13, 2023: 🥾 Hiking church // Chubb Trail from West Tyson

Aug 11, 2023: Maui fires: here’s a way to help folks in need directly. My lovely sister lives in Maui. Their home is up in the mountains so was unaffected. She is …

Aug 10, 2023:

Aug 9, 2023: How do single parents without a flexible job do it? This week is chock-full of (mostly) mandatory back-to-school stuff. I either have to be present …

Aug 8, 2023: Fear is the primary force upholding structures of domination. It promotes the desire for separation, the desire not to be known. When we are taught …

Aug 8, 2023: yes, exactly, what he said: so I want to turn the new me into the old me once removed and knock the old me out of joint to slide ahead into the new …

Aug 8, 2023: What we don’t know Wrote the first half of this months ago. Unburied the draft and wrote the latter half yesterday.

Aug 8, 2023: Just dropped my youngest off for middle school orientation. Youngest. Middle school. My oldest is a senior this year. The days are long but the years …

Aug 8, 2023: Sunrise over Jiffy Lube

Aug 6, 2023: My hair is long enough I can now tie it in a knot and it stays. Pretty happy about that because I can never find a hair elastic when I need one.

Aug 6, 2023: Finally got umbrellas arranged so one side isn’t dripping directly on my chair. So, coffee outside with a moody sky summer shower.

Aug 4, 2023: Love this meditation by @circustiger Every day we are gifted is an opportunity to lift others; and in lifting them, we rise ourselves. Take a moment …

Aug 4, 2023:

Aug 3, 2023: I don’t know much about Miéville other than his fictional work and haven’t read his piece on the Communist Manifesto. Intrigued to listen …

Aug 2, 2023: Chaos is the only sure thing in this world. The master that rules us all. Currently reading: Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller 📚

Aug 2, 2023: Inspired by @purisubzi to try cranberry juice and elderflower tonic water. Added ginger, sans black salt. Delicious

Aug 2, 2023: Updated phone screen, thanks for sharing this @pat! Check out this beautiful rain drop wallpaper collection from my baby bro! Pat Dryburgh …

Aug 2, 2023: bookmarks as life history I was going over my Pocket export file before importing to MB to cull dead links, etc. I used Pocket copiously since it was released in 2015 until …

Aug 2, 2023: Moving all bookmarking to MB yesterday: I realized the MB bookmarklet won’t work on Arc browser (which I am loving). Found this reddit post: Get …

Aug 2, 2023: first of all I don’t know anything about coding second of all I’m playing around with the bookmarks shortcode/page (thanks @sod it’s …

Aug 1, 2023: adirondack chairs are the man-spreaders of the chair world

Jul 30, 2023: 🥾 hiking church // 7.5 miles in Greensfelder - Declue, Eagle Valley, and Outlook

Jul 29, 2023: Thinking about last week’s hike

Jul 27, 2023: Cloudy skies

Jul 26, 2023: okay so today I am learning what to do about a malicious redirect, exciting

Jul 25, 2023: 🥾Sunday’s hike // lots of mushrooms

Jul 24, 2023: Couldn’t agree more with what @baldur says about generative AI: The output is so mediocre and uninspiring that if it were a person, it’d say …

Jul 22, 2023: Their(respective) favorite places #caturday 🐈

Jul 17, 2023: 🥾yesterday’s hiking church // trapdoor spider, unidentified skeleton, mushroom 🍄, mist over running water

Jul 12, 2023: Enjoying this week so much — no work, best friends, kids and dogs and chaos, water, rest

Jul 10, 2023: 🏃‍♀️a running haiku Fresh legs, morning sun The day unfolds like a feast I breathe my way home

Jul 4, 2023:

Jul 2, 2023: 🥾 today’s hiking church // 5 miles on Bluff View Trail

Jun 29, 2023: Turning 42 today and feeling pretty damn good about life, the universe, and everything.

Jun 26, 2023: Sent the oldest off to Florida for a couple of weeks, and once again realize I am not at all prepared for the eventuality of my kids moving out. Can I …

Jun 25, 2023: 🥾today’s hiking church // 5 miles on DeClue Trail, Greensfelder Last week: 6.3 miles on Castlewood Trail

Jun 24, 2023: 📺 rewatching season 1 of The Bear before I binge season 2. Such a great show.

Jun 24, 2023: A perfect morning

Jun 23, 2023: Easing into Friday after a week away and a day of travel.

Jun 22, 2023: Cousins!

Jun 8, 2023: 🎵I lost myself again, I just need time to mend / Some quiet and some care, some time to repair

Jun 8, 2023: 🏃‍♀️fighting for every step today

Jun 4, 2023: 🥾 today’s hiking church / 8.5 miles on Green Rock Trail. Saw four baby raccoons!

May 30, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ beautiful morning, sore body. Maybe it was all those roller coasters yesterday 🙄

May 29, 2023: Time for roller coasters!

May 28, 2023: 🥾 Today’s hiking church // 5.5 miles, Al Foster trail

May 23, 2023: It’s his desk, I just work there.

May 21, 2023: 5th grade graduates parade!

May 21, 2023: First post straight from MarsEdit thanks to the helpful guide by @miraz. 🥳 It’s so fun to use!

May 20, 2023: External monitor. I can’t believe I have operated without one for so long. EVERYTHING IS SO BIG I CAN SEE SO MUCH MY EYES LOVE ME THE INTERNET …

May 20, 2023: Chartreuse cocktail in honor of @annahavron specifically and generally. Cheers!

May 19, 2023:!

May 19, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ Honeysuckle fragrance so strong this morning! 🎵 Crawling over rubble / Just to serve you / Tend to wonder why

May 18, 2023: For the last 20 years I have worked solely from my laptop. Freelance writing assignments, research, interviews, product testing for technical …

May 17, 2023: The family that pierces together…. Is fiercer together? 😂 I got my tragus done, they did septum.

May 17, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ Nice little run with a nice little sunrise this morning 🎵 Leave your situations at the door

May 16, 2023: Birthday girl and cake pop: a series

May 16, 2023: Morning routine

May 15, 2023: 🏃‍♀️back at it with a couple of morning miles 🎵 We are shining in the rising sun / as we are floating in the blue

May 10, 2023:

May 10, 2023: Since 2020 I’ve been digging my way out of a deep financial hole and trying to build stability for myself and my kids. Today I picked up my car after …

May 10, 2023: 13yo asked to use my phone to send a quick email to his teacher. Just now reading what he sent. 😂

May 3, 2023: Optimize for delight

May 1, 2023: 🥾 Yesterday’s hiking church // 6.1 miles on Taconic Trail

Apr 29, 2023: Be careful out there

Apr 28, 2023: Friday dinner with my boys

Apr 26, 2023: The little one is not so little anymore

Apr 22, 2023: What’s working. File under Reminders to self: Actions > words Proof > plans Creating > criticism I can trust myself more I can ask …

Apr 19, 2023: 👋 Calling AI experts! I’ve seen a lot of talk about AI here. I’m currently working on an article about using AI in hiring practices. …

Apr 16, 2023:

Apr 15, 2023: 💙✨🖤✨💙

Apr 14, 2023: Prom night for the oldest ❤️

Apr 14, 2023: This was fun! Craft talk w/ Neil Gaiman at SLU.

Apr 14, 2023: Friday. Sun is shining. Great weekend ahead. And my lunch break today is getting to listen to at a craft talk. So yeah, …

Apr 10, 2023:

Apr 10, 2023: Doing fasted workouts all week to see how I like it. Took a 3.5 mile walk this morning, and just finished an intense HIIT/boxing 60min workout. Will …

Apr 9, 2023: 🥾today’s hiking church // 7.5 miles, Zombie Trail via upper Rock Hollow. Saw an owl (twice). And bluebells!

Apr 9, 2023: Bluebells!

Apr 9, 2023: Happy car owner

Apr 9, 2023: Zeke is 14! Skatepark party

Apr 9, 2023: Busy, fun weekend Zeke turned 14, so has friends for a sleepover and then a skatepark birthday party. Lots of middle school boys, lots of fun, lots of noise. After …

Apr 7, 2023: Little walk thru the woods

Mar 31, 2023: A lifelong practice // #mbmar day 31

Mar 30, 2023: Mirror eyes // #mbmar day 30

Mar 30, 2023: Slice of life (& how impossible to get a photo with all of them smiling) // #mbmar day 29

Mar 28, 2023: Prompt trains, breathtaking views // #mbmar day 28 // 📍Preda, Switzerland (January 2023)

Mar 28, 2023: Sister support // #mbmar day 27

Mar 27, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 You know you set me free / And I just can’t get enough

Mar 26, 2023: Squeezebox instrument // #mbmar day 26 // 📍Zurich, Switzerland

Mar 26, 2023: 🥾 Today’s hiking church // 6 muddy miles, Greensfelder County Park

Mar 25, 2023: Party spice // #mbmar day 25

Mar 24, 2023: Empty Chinatown courtyard (August 2020) // #mbmar day 24 // 📍 Los Angeles, CA

Mar 23, 2023: 100% chance of photos like these in my camera roll at all times // #mbmar day 23

Mar 22, 2023: Insect metropolis? // #mbmar day 22

Mar 22, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 I feel worthy somehow / Please don’t let me go down, down

Mar 21, 2023: Tiny joys // #mbmar day 21

Mar 21, 2023: Let there be lapses Let there be lapses Weeds in the garden, unswept porches, A walk never taken, A flower unnoticed, Missed bill, missed text, missed appointment. Let …

Mar 20, 2023: Houseplant? Fresh flowers are as close as I get. // #mbmar day 20

Mar 19, 2023: Analog thoughts // #mbmar day 19

Mar 18, 2023: Coconut portico // #mbmar day 18 // Rincón, Puerto Rico (2016)

Mar 17, 2023: The early years // #mbmar day 17 (11/2015)

Mar 16, 2023: Endless road // #mbmar day 16 // 📍Walden, Colorado

Mar 15, 2023: Eternal patience // #mbmar day 15

Mar 14, 2023: Open horizon // #mbmar day 14 //📍Ocean Shores, WA

Mar 14, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 Learn to control what’s in my mind / Stop feedin the thoughts that steal my shine Great run today, legs felt strong, better at pacing myself so …

Mar 13, 2023: Cat connection // #mbmar day 13

Mar 12, 2023: Shiny waves // #mbmar day 12 // 📍Rincón, Puerto Rico

Mar 12, 2023: 🥾 today’s hiking church // 7 miles, LaBarque Hills Trail

Mar 11, 2023: Gimcrack for sale // #mbmar day 11

Mar 10, 2023: Sunny day ritual // #mbmar day 10

Mar 10, 2023: Really enjoying how many of the “ritual” photos are coffee/tea and journaling or reading. Yep, these are my people…

Mar 10, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 I don’t want to be lived through / a vicarious occasion / Please open the window

Mar 9, 2023: Cozy together // #mbmar day 9

Mar 8, 2023: Missing sidewalk // #mbmar day 8

Mar 8, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 It turned my whole world around / And I kinda like it

Mar 7, 2023: Whole-d me // #mbmar day 7 // 🗓️July 2020

Mar 6, 2023: Yes hello I love you

Mar 6, 2023: The arena people “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The …

Mar 6, 2023: Engineering mischief? // #mbmar day 6

Mar 6, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵 Made myself mythical, tried to be real / Saw the future in the face of a daffodil

Mar 5, 2023: Do you think Donne would like this version? Death, chill the fuck out. Your ego is out of control. Just because some whiny ass bitches think you’re …

Mar 5, 2023: Today’s hiking church

Mar 5, 2023: Pasta tiles! // #mbmar day 5

Mar 5, 2023: Spring is puddle-wonderful

Mar 4, 2023: Guarding zippers // #mbmar day 4

Mar 3, 2023: This is a long personal emotional rant that I will probably regret It’s been a long week. A long couple of weeks, but this one… I’m just glad it’s over. Last week I held my routine together …

Mar 3, 2023: Thankful that this very long, draining week is over. Time for something delicious. Local IPA 🍺 OJ Run from Narrow Gauge Brewing

Mar 3, 2023: Sunrise solitude // #mbmar day 3 // 📍Sedalia, Colorado

Mar 2, 2023: Daffodil weather // #mbmar day 2

Mar 1, 2023: Feeling secure // #mbmar day 1

Feb 26, 2023: 🥾Great weather for a (muddy) hike.

Feb 25, 2023: The looks they give me 🙄😂

Feb 24, 2023: ☕️Coffee time and an encouraging reminder. Stay weird out there.

Feb 23, 2023: Finished reading: The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham 📚

Feb 23, 2023: 🏃‍♀️🎵Oh my my these whiskey lies / Ain’t ever gonna tell the truth

Feb 22, 2023: Bonus of riding shotgun while a teenager drives me around: can snap photos of sunset skies. AND control the music. Almost makes up for the heightened …

Feb 22, 2023: Took my second oldest child to get his permit last week… so, now have two teenage drivers in the family. My heart rate is almost as high as my …

Feb 22, 2023: Nice work if you can get it

Feb 22, 2023:

Feb 22, 2023: Working at a cafe. A man sat right next to me, across, so we’re facing each other. Fine… but he keeps talking out loud and glancing over, …

Feb 21, 2023: 🏃‍♀️ I try to dance with what life has to hand me / My partner’s been pleasure, my partner’s been pain

Feb 20, 2023: Finished reading: The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung 📚 Fell of the intermittent fasting wagon for a while, needed some inspiration to get back at it. …

Feb 20, 2023: 🏃‍♀️Oh save your last breath / Hold it in

Feb 19, 2023: reading + research: exploring versus diving I tend to have two different styles for reading and research. I was going to say for online reading, but it’s not limited to that. I’ll …

Feb 18, 2023: First blooms of spring

Feb 17, 2023: Finished reading: Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse Book 1) by James S. A. Corey 📚 Enjoyed this space opera. Poignant, hopeful, and a little gruesome. …

Feb 17, 2023: Finished reading: I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood Ali 📚

Feb 16, 2023: A friendly reminder of how the US feels about women: Authoritarian Regimes Have More Progressive Abortion Policies Than Some U.S. States Why US women …

Feb 15, 2023: Pretty skies this morning

Feb 14, 2023: There are healthy ways to deal with difficult things. Sometimes those are the routes I take. Sometimes I am not taking any routes, I am just sitting …

Feb 13, 2023: Lunch on the balcony! Spring weather! Sunshine! Blue skies! Birds! Everything that seemed horrible is now 500% less horrible and the good things are …

Feb 12, 2023: From today’s hiking church

Feb 12, 2023: 📺Ending the day with a little Cunk on Earth

Feb 12, 2023: Finished reading: Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb 📚

Feb 12, 2023: Finished reading: The Hidden Life Of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben 📚

Feb 9, 2023: Finished reading: Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb 📚

Feb 9, 2023: Focus on what is said when you speak and what results from each action. Know what the one aims at, and what the other means. -Marcus Aurelius, …

Feb 7, 2023: N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth as a TTRPG “The whole way that The Fifth Season RPG works is different than a lot of games, because one of the key …

Feb 6, 2023: Annoying my boys while we wait at the orthodontist

Feb 5, 2023: Hiking church

Feb 4, 2023: Just watched The Last of Us. So, I’ll just be sitting here in silence processing for a few hours.

Feb 4, 2023: Finished reading: Assassin’s Apprentice (The Illustrated Edition) by Robin Hobb 📚

Feb 4, 2023: Morning light and cat cuddles

Feb 3, 2023: Lily’s spot

Feb 3, 2023: This lasted for about 5 seconds

Feb 2, 2023: 🎲 Fantastic D&D session tonight. We all showed up a little tired. Two of our party reeling from heavy burdens in ‘real life.’ We …

Feb 2, 2023: 👋 Good morning (or afternoon, or evening). I enjoy this community so much. Can dip in anytime for thoughtful discussions, great photos, friendly …

Feb 2, 2023: Finished reading: The Color of Magic (Discworld) by Terry Pratchett 📚 Can’t go wrong with Pratchett. “Everyone has gods. You just don’t …

Jan 31, 2023: Finished reading: How to Live by Derek Sivers 📚 “Don’t believe what you think. Have questions, not answers. Doubt everything. The easiest person to …

Jan 30, 2023: I love dishes that easily combine with or turn into other dishes. Ex: a very simple fresh broccoli salad. We ate it as a side one night. Leftovers …

Jan 30, 2023: Finished reading: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab 📚

Jan 30, 2023: 🏃‍♀️Channeling @ericmwalk today as I ran thru intense snow (1/2 inch) and extreme conditions (lightly falling snowflakes) til icicles formed on my …

Jan 29, 2023: Morning hike

Jan 28, 2023: Just slept 10 hours in my own bed. I am reborn. Now, coffee.

Jan 27, 2023: Finished reading: The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer 📚

Jan 26, 2023: Finished reading: Shogun by James Clavell 📚

Jan 26, 2023: Sledging!

Jan 26, 2023: Preda

Jan 26, 2023: Stuck in the Toronto airport for the evening, it seems. Ah well. At least I have books. And chocolate.

Jan 24, 2023: St. Moritz

Jan 24, 2023: Poschiavo

Jan 23, 2023: 🚊Bernina Pass

Jan 22, 2023: Samedan

Jan 22, 2023: 🚊Zurich to Samedan

Jan 20, 2023: 🌅✈️

Jan 19, 2023: ✈️ At some point perhaps I’ll be more jaded as a traveler, but I still love both being in new/different places and the process of getting there. Said …

Jan 17, 2023: Another beautiful sunrise over ✨Tracy’s Karate Studio✨ where a ragtag band of unlikely heroes are preparing to face their greatest challenge…

Jan 16, 2023: Current challenge: packing clothes for a week away in -10F temps in a carry-on. I really don’t want to check a bag but damn, snow boots + pants …

Jan 15, 2023: A good day for hiking church

Jan 12, 2023: Gray morning, breezy, cool not cold. Nice to be out.

Jan 9, 2023: An odd, poignant moment this morning. I have a bad cold. (Thanks, kids!) Took cold meds last night to sleep, knowing they’d knock me out past my usual …

Jan 8, 2023: 👀 🦌

Jan 7, 2023: Finished reading: Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke 📚

Jan 6, 2023: 💟 [06 January 2013] Mara: “We live in a habitat." Me: “Yes, okay, what’s our habitat?" Mara: “A house!" Me: …

Jan 6, 2023: Morning has broken, like the first morning.

Jan 5, 2023:

Jan 5, 2023: 🏃‍♀️Getting back in the groove with a little morning run and it feels so good.

Jan 3, 2023: When good things happen, when glory arrives, when love comes through, when gifts are given, when a beautiful moment reveals itself: Knowing I …

Jan 3, 2023: My new year’s resolution is less, fewer, lighter, easier. Have less, hold fewer, be lighter, make easier. As a motto for the year, I’m adopting this …

Jan 2, 2023: American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). A tall baby, aggressive grower, with broad leaves, peeling strips of bark below, smooth pale bark up high. …

Dec 31, 2022: My colleague and friend in Zurich taught me the phrase Guten Rutsch: It translates to “good slide,” and funny enough, it’s completely senseless. …

Dec 30, 2022: Greta Thunberg’s Twitter takedown inadvertently leads to Andrew Tate’s arrest for human trafficking a perfect way to wrap up the year, …

Dec 29, 2022: Putting groceries away and found the brie, apricot preserves, and pastry I bought to make baked brie on Christmas day. Forgot about it. So …

Dec 29, 2022: I’m learning CSS and this morning I managed to get a little CSS snippet working to make headers look like this and I AM DELIGHTED.

Dec 28, 2022: Who’s on I know I’ve seen people sharing theirs, but I didn’t bookmark them. Now I have time to play around and want some …

Dec 28, 2022: We take a handful of sand from the endless landscape of awareness around us and call that handful of sand the world. –Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the …

Dec 26, 2022: I should know by now, but sometimes the hubris of startup founders is still shocking In this example, a startup is attempting solar geoengineering by …

Dec 26, 2022: Magic - Nicholas Bate Magic. Always there, just needs eyes wide open. Perhaps a certain frame of mind, a bit of flexibility. A walk, reading, a …

Dec 25, 2022: Happy Holidays to everyone here. What a special little corner of the web. So thankful to be part of it.

Dec 25, 2022:

Dec 25, 2022:

Dec 25, 2022: First time in 16 years I haven’t been waked up by excited kids on Christmas morning. Guess the youngest is officially past the auto-wake mode. …

Dec 24, 2022: Cleaning up my inputs. Just unsubscribed from 18 (18!!!) newsletters.

Dec 23, 2022: What is happening here?

Dec 19, 2022: 🏃‍♀️Well. Turned out to be more than a couple of bruises. Fractured elbow. 😞 Made 19 out of #30runs but gonna have to pause it here.

Dec 19, 2022: Day 19 of #30runs — I provided a little morning amusement for commuters by tripping on a gap in the sidewalk and wiping out. Ouch! Okay though. …

Dec 18, 2022: “Downtime replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and is essential to both achieve our …

Dec 18, 2022: ⚽️ I rarely watch sports of any kind but this game has me 🫣👀😲

Dec 18, 2022: Day 18 of #30runs. Enjoying the view and beautiful bright skies.

Dec 17, 2022: “Peace does not come through the agreement of egos, for it is impossible for egos to agree. Peace comes when love and mutual respect are present. When …

Dec 17, 2022: Family time at the lake❤️🎄

Dec 17, 2022: Bacon time!

Dec 17, 2022: Day 17 of #30runs — lake view run today. Now on to large-scale bacon cooking operations with my dad and sister.

Dec 16, 2022: A choice, when unseen things are seen Revelations come in many forms. Crisis might bring hidden things to the surface. Change. Conflict. Or a quiet moment sitting at a traffic light when …

Dec 16, 2022: Day 16 of #30runs. Feeling rushed as we’re traveling to see family today. Quick run. Nice to see blue skies.

Dec 15, 2022: “We have some comments on your latest draft…”

Dec 15, 2022: Cats have chewed through the Christmas tree lights for the THIRD time. little monsters. I’m getting pretty good with electrical tape though.

Dec 15, 2022: Day 15 of #30runs… Feeling good!

Dec 14, 2022: A misplaced loyalty to tools I’ve noticed this about myself before, multiple times: I tend to be loyal to the apps, software, tools I use whether or not those things are …

Dec 14, 2022: Day 14 of #30runs. Late start and not feeling very motivated. Did it anyway. I always feel better after being outside even if I’m dodging puddles.

Dec 13, 2022: Anybody got 3 minutes to click through my portfolio site (it’s literally 5 pages) and tell me if some (or all, or none) of it is loading slow? …

Dec 13, 2022: I am absolutely tired of every single thing I know how to cook. Menu fatigue? It’s not really a problem, just a complaint. Though if anyone has …

Dec 13, 2022: 👍

Dec 13, 2022: Day 13 of #30runs. Drove to a local trail so I could run in the woods. So much nicer. Kind of forgot about the steep rocky incline up to the bluff. …

Dec 12, 2022: The way we represent the world arises, though, from our whole social fabric, as Bruner put it. There is no escaping this rich web of language, myth, …

Dec 12, 2022: Trees are cool

Dec 12, 2022: Day 12 of #30runs. Early morning run. The joy I feel while running is matched by the intense relief I feel when the run is over. What a weird hobby. …

Dec 11, 2022:

Dec 11, 2022: Day 11 of #30runs. Definitely struggling most on weekends — routines are not set up to support a morning run as weekdays are. Oh well! Snuck a short …

Dec 10, 2022: Almost forgot it’s Caturday! This one is my work buddy.

Dec 10, 2022: Day 10 of #30runs. Weekend rhythm throwing me off but got an afternoon run in. I did a lot of stretching yesterday and felt the positive effects.

Dec 9, 2022: 🙋‍♀️ I’m looking for examples of great pricing update announcements (blog post, email, etc.), particularly for SaaS/apps. Please share if one …

Dec 9, 2022: Day 9 of #30runs. First run (of this little challenge) without stopping to catch my breath. Super motivating. Cloudy pretty morning skies.

Dec 8, 2022: Day 8 of #30runs. Got caught in cold rain, wasn’t dressed for it. Short run, diverted to grocery store and picked up dinner. Oh well, something is …

Dec 7, 2022: Just purchased my ticket for a trip I am so excited about: a team meetup in Switzerland, with wonderful clients (Teamup Calendar). Going mid-January. …

Dec 7, 2022: Day 7 of #30runs. Sprints! Dear lord I nearly died. Also fucking fantastic. I love running fast. Cloudy skies again, everything looked blue-gray.

Dec 6, 2022: Day 6 of #30runs. Didn’t pace myself well and the hills were killing me. Still a good run. Shins are tight — more stretching! Foggy.

Dec 5, 2022: Day 5 of #30runs - legs tired and heavy but felt better after I warmed up and found my rhythm. The right song makes all the difference.

Dec 4, 2022: Today’s hike

Dec 4, 2022: Day 4 of #30runs. Short warmup run today, now going on a hike. Legs are feeling the soreness. Hopefully they’re also getting stronger.

Dec 3, 2022: a cheat code for building friendships I’ve found this beautiful little cheatcode for building friendships, for keeping those important relationships alive and open, for maintaining …

Dec 3, 2022: Happy Caturday. Roomba loves to help me work by taking naps on my desk, guarding the mouse, and swiping pens onto the floor.

Dec 3, 2022: Run 3 of #30runs. Quick little warmup before meeting my bestie for our usual Saturday morning walk.

Dec 2, 2022: “What is divine deserves our respect because it is good; what is human deserves our affection because it is like us.” -Marcus Aurelius, …

Dec 2, 2022: Run #2 done. Warmer today, that was nice. Gray skies. #30runs

Dec 1, 2022: D&D time! 🎲🐉

Dec 1, 2022: Day 1 of running every day for 30 days. Tough but rewarding. Short run. Still congested and coughing. Got to see beautiful sunrise sky.

Nov 30, 2022: “When we work to take instead of to give, we labor without reverence. When we strive for safety at the expense of another person’s safety, we …

Nov 29, 2022: This post isn’t even about a fish at all.

Nov 28, 2022: Sometimes it really does seem like the world is falling apart and the future is bleak, but when I talk to my kids and their friends, I feel really …

Nov 27, 2022: My kids just don’t have the same commitment to Thanksgiving leftovers that I do. They’re asking for dinner? Like I’m gonna cook …

Nov 26, 2022: Commitment to process > pursuing goals “The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is …

Nov 26, 2022: Cauliflower

Nov 25, 2022: The longest-standing habit of my life is journaling. I started keeping a diary when I was 10 or 11. It was sporadic, but solidified as a habit when I …

Nov 25, 2022: Context for that Fitzgerald quote. This was a fun little goose chase. @rickcogley From The Crack-Up

Nov 24, 2022: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to …

Nov 23, 2022: “Critical thinking is not something you do once with an issue and then drop it. It requires that we update our knowledge as new information …

Nov 22, 2022: The biggest benefit of intermittent fasting for me is probably helping me notice the habit I had of eating all the time. I work from home, so could …

Nov 21, 2022: Just realized I’m a day behind on Microblovember. Today is Ice and I have this really lovely memory: Living in Puerto Rico after hurricane …

Nov 21, 2022: Having multiple kids means when one brings the flu home, you gotta prepare yourself for a rinse-repeat experience. Sure enough. Kid #3 is down.

Nov 19, 2022: Novel reading and whiskey drinking — a good way to wind down the day.

Nov 18, 2022: Since getting divorced, I’m trying to be more car savvy. I have long conversations with the repair shop guys. I ask knowledgeable friends about …

Nov 18, 2022: HI FRIENDS I’m collecting music today. what’s on repeat for you right now? will you share 2 of your current favorite songs with me? Here …

Nov 17, 2022: It’s D and D night! We’re gonna fight some goblins, barrel through some caves, sit around a campfire, track an owlbear, who knows. Anyway …

Nov 16, 2022: “The only way to grab the attention of the audience is originality. We feed ourselves with franchises that’s the opposite of what makes our …

Nov 15, 2022: This parenting moment: Going to kiss my 11yo goodnight. She’s writing in her diary. “Mom, you’re a writer. Can you help? Is this a personification or …

Nov 15, 2022: “It was British scientists of the time, however, that decided, with a beautiful level of verbosity, that: “Aluminium, for so we shall take the …

Nov 14, 2022:

Nov 14, 2022: I like this, you might also like this? So, as a person who a) can’t keep my shit together w/o a calendar & b) loves a good spreadsheet, I am in love with the new Table view from …

Nov 14, 2022: It's okay to leave the past behind - a reminder “I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power,—that the path before me was closed, that provisions were …

Nov 14, 2022: Here’s your lunchtime bop! Put it in your ears and take a dance break.

Nov 14, 2022: First day back at intermittent fasting after a week of vacation schedule (and vacation eating!)… My body doesn’t know what to think.

Nov 13, 2022: “When truth presents itself, the wise person see the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does not have …

Nov 12, 2022: I have a suspicion this guy might have missed me more than my kids did.

Nov 11, 2022: Dear friend who is my current travel partner has had far more than her fair share of travel difficulties but she displays a lot of grace. it’s …

Nov 11, 2022: Freckles! thanks to the Caribbean sun… day 1 (L) v day 5 (R)

Nov 11, 2022: [Vacation read] Finished reading: She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan 📚

Nov 11, 2022: [Vacation read] Finished reading: Keeper of Enchanted Rooms (Whimbrel House) by Charlie N. Holmberg 📚

Nov 11, 2022:

Nov 10, 2022: Sneaking in with a ministerial post at the end of the day…. 50 minutes to spare.

Nov 9, 2022: “I want to learn to go on well with whatever I have in my hands at the moment in a natural state of mind, certain like the sea.” …

Nov 8, 2022:

Nov 8, 2022: “We cannot pander or wait for consensus; the world is too big and complicated and rigged. We are saying the things that people don’t like.” ― …

Nov 7, 2022: Hoping that everyone voting in US has insight to support a good future for all of us.

Nov 6, 2022: Almendros

Nov 6, 2022: Lots of echoes of beach life / living in Puerto Rico🇵🇷 this week. So thankful for that time

Nov 5, 2022:

Nov 5, 2022: Currently on a plane about to head to Cancun where I’ll be exempt from all the duties and responsibilities of normal life for a blissful week.

Nov 5, 2022: Waiting for my ride. (I don’t look super happy here but I’m actually giddy, leaving for beach trip with a dear friend.)

Nov 4, 2022: I realized some time ago that when I feel envy, the heart of it is usually admiration combined with a fear that I am falling short and will never be …

Nov 3, 2022: Love the way being with old friends gives you license to relax into your silliest self.

Nov 2, 2022: “I don’t need to have an opinion about that.” One of the best things I’ve learned how to say.

Nov 2, 2022: Okay friends, I have some piddly computer work to finish while kids are with their dad. Need a show to turn on and half-ignore…. Suggestions? I like …

Nov 2, 2022: Didn’t have time to grocery shop this weekend so tonight’s dinner will be an oddballfeast of frozen pizza, olives, and whatever leftovers are still …

Nov 2, 2022: 🇺🇸 Voted! Down with fascism and people who don’t respect women!

Nov 1, 2022: So, bloggin question. Merely hypothetical at this point. If you had been using Wordpress forever but you violently hate the block editor and the kind …

Nov 1, 2022: 💟 [01 November 2011] Me: “Zeke, go get a tissue and wipe your nose.” Zeke: “Nooo. Wanna plaaaaaay.” Me: “Zeke. Go get a …

Nov 1, 2022: Sometimes the best thing to do is accept there’s much you can’t figure out and just… look up at the big blue sky.

Oct 31, 2022: Some days are full of murky feelings. Started off meeting one of my best friends for coffee. We try to do this every couple of weeks and it ends up being every month or two, because …

Oct 31, 2022: Happy Halloween! My kids are at the ‘do things with friends’ stage so I’m catching up on work & drinking apple cider with a …

Oct 30, 2022: Cunk on Earth is giving me life

Oct 30, 2022: is this coparenting because it doesn't feel very CO. I’m going on a trip with a friend next week. My first time being away from the kids since separating from ex (2 years ago, wow. Time. It does go …

Oct 29, 2022: Inspired by @leah to try those nature videos for cats…. 😂

Oct 29, 2022: Finished reading: Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, Book 1) by Lian Hearn 📚

Oct 28, 2022:

Oct 28, 2022:

Oct 27, 2022: IT’S D&D NIGHT 🎉

Oct 27, 2022: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, …

Oct 27, 2022: earning my own trust I’ve been dealing with a lot of stressful things lately and seems that my ‘stress response’ is more extreme and easily provoked than …

Oct 26, 2022:

Oct 26, 2022: Took my boys to the skatepark… fortunately there’s a Halfprice Books around the corner. Fiction haul! $2 each

Oct 25, 2022: 💟 [25 Oct 2014] Lily: “Can we watch moah kitten videos? Pweeeease?” Me: “Nooo." Lily: “I wish I was a kitten. And den you …

Oct 25, 2022: How to listen to podcasts if you hate podcasts: I always have captions on shows/movies because I can’t ‘hear’ the dialogue without them. I understand and retain text much faster …

Oct 23, 2022: Today’s #hikingchurch

Oct 22, 2022: Coffee on the balcony with the cat

Oct 21, 2022: Old fashioned before I go paint w a friend

Oct 20, 2022: 🎶This song uuuugh. Gets me every time.

Oct 20, 2022: Apple pie season

Oct 20, 2022: What are youuu looking at

Oct 19, 2022: Finished reading: The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler 📚 Loved this book. Sentient octupi, conscious AI, great characters, thoughtful exploration of …

Oct 19, 2022: There are BOOKSHELVES now??? hell yeah.

Oct 19, 2022: All that to say, I forgot how much I like it here.

Oct 19, 2022: I just wandered back to a few days ago and have been prowling around, reading about people’s favorite poems and tools and recent …

Oct 19, 2022: Well, it’s been 995 days (and some-odd hours) since my last post… and I’m delighted to find a vibrant, intelligent, kind community …

Sep 3, 2022: Sweet times for end of summer

Jul 19, 2022:

May 27, 2022:

May 27, 2022:

May 21, 2022:

May 16, 2022: She’s 11! Happy birthday Lily

May 11, 2022: Hello We are Alive together What a thing that is I like it

May 8, 2022:

May 7, 2022:

May 7, 2022:

May 7, 2022: Where I wanna be

Apr 30, 2022: One time I was ordering a smoothie at a little cafe and asked the girl behind the counter what her favorite one was and she said, “Oh I don’t …

Apr 24, 2022:

Apr 20, 2022:

Apr 17, 2022:

Apr 15, 2022: Transformation complete (for now)

Apr 15, 2022:

Apr 11, 2022: Herbs for days.

Apr 9, 2022: Zeke is 13! Three teenagers in the family now. Ok. It’s all ok. panicked breathing

Apr 2, 2022: Where’s Waldo bird edition

Mar 29, 2022:

Mar 26, 2022: I like haircut day

Mar 25, 2022: Soaking up sunshine

Mar 25, 2022:

Mar 22, 2022:

Mar 21, 2022: My nose is already getting sunburned and I am okay with it

Mar 19, 2022: Yes ok this is good

Mar 15, 2022: Blue dabadee

Mar 13, 2022: Please and thank you

Mar 11, 2022: Ordered one bag of radishes in my grocery delivery, received five. Ideas for what to do with many radishes (other than throw them at people from my …

Mar 11, 2022: The hall we have to walk to the psychiatrist’s office gives me mental health issues.

Mar 3, 2022: I feel like a Jedi. Or a turtle. Jedi turtle? That would be a TMNT basically. Except not teenage. Middle-aged mutant ninja turtle. With hair. MMNTwH. …

Mar 2, 2022:

Feb 28, 2022:

Feb 27, 2022: Watching the sun set over Breadco Fuzzy socks and a rocking chair It’s been a good day

Feb 23, 2022:

Feb 22, 2022: Miss you, Mom

Feb 20, 2022:

Feb 20, 2022:

Feb 15, 2022: Trees have communities, exchange news, and support the sick/weak by sharing nourishment through connected roots. I suspected as much. This book is …

Jan 26, 2022:

Jan 25, 2022: S T E A L THIS L O O K! Hat by The Closet Glasses by Goodwill Dry lips by Winter Freckles by The Sun Various lines wrinkles chins etc by Genetics and …

Jan 20, 2022:

Dec 26, 2021:

Dec 1, 2021:

Sep 12, 2020:

Sep 10, 2020:

Sep 5, 2020: Just wanted to highlight the most important experience of our trip. ☕️ Note the sunbeam shining directly into the French Press. This means that …

Jul 23, 2020:

Jul 19, 2020:

Apr 25, 2020:

Mar 21, 2020:

Jan 28, 2020: Yesterday’s midday beach break. (Kind of makes surviving laundry tarantulas worth it.)

Jan 27, 2020: Finished reading 📚 The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick. (Now to watch the show!)

Jan 27, 2020: NOPE. This guy hid in the laundry. In the pile of sheets that I CARRIED. No one died. But I may not be able to do laundry ever again. 🤷‍♀️

Jan 24, 2020:

Jan 24, 2020:

Jan 23, 2020: Just started reading 📚_The Beginning of Infinity_ by David Deutsch

Jan 23, 2020: I added my (published) reading notes to my blog. An effort to remember/retain and learn from more of what I read. There are ~16 books from 2019 I want …

Jan 17, 2020: Tools for making decisions

Jan 14, 2020: Reading lists 2019 and 2020 📚

Jan 11, 2020: 19 things I learned in 2019

Jan 11, 2020: “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. …

Jan 11, 2020: “This is the payoff for rediscovering your vulnerability: you and your own needs, feelings, and deepest longings are an integral part of all your …

Jan 10, 2020: “If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I’m not interested in or open to your feedback. There are a million …

Jan 10, 2020: New Year’s Eve sunset

Jan 10, 2020: “Most of us think of ourselves as thinking creatures that feel, but we are actually feeling creatures that think.” ― Jill Bolte Taylor

Dec 6, 2019: ❤️

Dec 2, 2019: Sunset view from the patio of our new home.

Nov 25, 2019: Surf lessons for our youngest

Nov 25, 2019: goal: to give without keeping score. to receive without feeling guilty.

Oct 22, 2019: What we don’t realize is that systems are the undercurrent of any kind of success, biological, economic, personal — just like systems that make the …

Oct 22, 2019: “We are all the product of our own ambition and effort, however we approach it.” from [this piece on goals] …

Sep 13, 2019:

Sep 4, 2019:

Aug 29, 2019: WHAT UP CHICAGO. We’ve got 36 hours together. Let’s be friends.

Aug 29, 2019:

Aug 21, 2019: I ran 4 miles in ~42 minutes this morning which felt really, really good. I started running in May and my goal for the end of August was 3 miles. …

Aug 16, 2019: These days, I’m singing all the love songs to myself “We have helped one another, but we could never do for each other what we must do for …

Aug 15, 2019: All of us in this moment “I’m floored to be alive in these moments, to have the smallest bit of awareness that I am here. I am now. I am just as …

Aug 15, 2019:

Aug 6, 2019: Community expands to fill the space we give it: “But meeting people—and liking people—is not the same as feeling connected to people. And …

Aug 5, 2019: This this this this this: “Joy is not too strong a term for the emotion that overthrew the prevailing grumpiness. Those marshy messengers of …

Aug 2, 2019: What do we need to live?

Aug 2, 2019: Don’t start with goals; start with clarity

Aug 2, 2019: ITEMS FOR A DAILY LOG, SUMMERTIME IN PUERTO RICO EDITION: +number of mosquitoes slapped +number of mosquito bites accumulated +number of times I say, …

Aug 2, 2019: Fascinating idea. Could it be that too few “real” fears lead to a plethora of vague anxieties? Here’s the article.

Jul 31, 2019: “Savor the beginnings. …part of me misses the excitement of starting something ‘brand new’ and putting it out there. …there are a lot of …

Jul 31, 2019: Termite nest on flamboyán tree

Jul 30, 2019: I’ve been embarrassing my kids publicly for years and these green glasses are 👌🙌💯💯. Life’s good.

Jul 27, 2019: Morning run

Jul 20, 2019: Here’s [a good read on what’s happening in Puerto Rico right now] …

Jul 12, 2019:

Jul 11, 2019:

Jun 6, 2019:

Apr 25, 2019:

Apr 22, 2019:

Apr 18, 2019: R E C E N T HAPPENINGS: We acquired a kitten. 2. The dog wore a hat and is unsure about the kitten. 3. Primavera surf festival and pony rides. 4. I …

Feb 28, 2019: I found the street sign version of every project’s filename evolvement.

Feb 26, 2019: They’re all on a roof but only one of them can fly, apparently.

Feb 21, 2019:

Feb 21, 2019:

Feb 20, 2019:

Feb 18, 2019: It’s not about the hustle. It’s about the flow.

Feb 18, 2019: Skies.

Feb 9, 2019: Does anybody have the problem where does not automatically renew? Every month I end up seeing that it’s expired and have to re-enter …

Feb 8, 2019:

Feb 5, 2019: Padre

Jan 29, 2019:

Jan 24, 2019: Good morning, sunshines!

Jan 21, 2019: Best spreadsheet app for iPad? Google Sheets (my usual go-to for spreadsheets) has this weird movement of showing/hiding the formatting menu that …

Jan 21, 2019: Things I don’t understand #214: When artists say their own name at the beginning of the song.

Jan 21, 2019: From yesterday’s beach time

Jan 21, 2019: “So far as man stands for anything, and is productive or originative at all, his entire vital function may be said to have to deal with maybes. Not a …

Jan 18, 2019:

Jan 13, 2019: Y E S HE IS A VERY GOOD BOY

Jan 11, 2019: So I just got a brand new iPhone X. Any must-have apps or tips or set-up recommendations? I use my iPad pro and Macbook air for work all the time, but …

Jan 9, 2019: Anybody have some of those eternal-reads going? I mean, books you have been reading for a long time. You dip in and out. They sit by your bed or on …

Jan 8, 2019:

Jan 8, 2019:

Jan 7, 2019: Big experiment in our household as we enter the new year: husband is fully taking over the homeschooling, household-running, food-making, kid-managing …

Jan 4, 2019: H A P P Y WEEKEND

Jan 4, 2019: It’s a camping weekend for us. I’m so excited. A few hours of work to finish then we’re loading up all the things and meeting friends at our favorite …

Jan 2, 2019: I thought that my voyage had come to its end My favorite poem from Tagore, for our new year: I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power,—that the path before me …

Jan 1, 2019:

Dec 28, 2018: Some people have mentioned that she looks like me

Dec 25, 2018:

Dec 19, 2018: WHAT great G I F T S WE are G I V E N

Dec 18, 2018: HELP. I am trapped in a downward music spiral. SEND ME YOUR BEST SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS. or band/music recs and I’ll look ‘em up.

Dec 15, 2018: Well, got my two older kids hooked on The Office (U.S. version) so I’m actually feeling okay about my parenting skills right now.

Dec 9, 2018:

Dec 8, 2018: C A M P I N G WEEKEND 🏝️🌅❤️

Dec 4, 2018: IT’S O K A Y to be HAPPY :: to smile too hard, to squint into the sun, to look at life through beautiful rose-colored glasses, to laugh loudly …

Nov 28, 2018: P R O G R E S S I O N 🌅

Nov 26, 2018: Z E K E :: I never know what he’ll do next but I always know it will be entertaining, hilarious, creative, and brimming with joy. Also usually …

Nov 25, 2018: Camera recs for 12yo budding photographer, budget $200 In search of recommendations: Mara (12 years old) has requested a camera for Christmas. I know nothing about cameras. I’d love to get her …

Nov 23, 2018: T H A N K F U L

Nov 20, 2018: Mara, age 12, arriving home from school yesterday: “I am so glad to be home. I can’t wait to draw. I didn’t draw ALL weekend. I …

Nov 19, 2018: I think 11 will be a good year for this guy. Feliz cumpleaños, Robbie! @zepto_land77

Nov 13, 2018:

Nov 10, 2018:

Nov 9, 2018: R O A D TRIPPING with my dog. …. Also with @rinconmaker @_ @zepto_land77 and @alaska_nabraska and @cpt_copeland and Zeke and Lily and friends. …

Nov 6, 2018: H A N D S in the AIR

Nov 4, 2018: H A I R WE ARE

Nov 4, 2018: I have a small hymn to sing in praise of my body. It has carried me so far, through so many roles, so many seasons, so many experiences. It took me on …

Nov 3, 2018: Thursday’s sunset at Almendros Beach

Oct 31, 2018: 🎃🎃🎃

Oct 30, 2018:

Oct 29, 2018: ❤️

Oct 28, 2018: S A Y YES to L I F E

Oct 28, 2018: E S C U E L A

Oct 26, 2018: This is how I picture it — that feeling when it’s all input and no (or very little) output, when your creativity is blocked and you feel stuck @ron …

Oct 26, 2018: N O T READY :: when you wake up and get out of bed but you didn’t really mean it.

Oct 25, 2018:

Oct 24, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch

Oct 23, 2018:

Oct 23, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch. It’s kind of ugly because this type of behavior is ugly. But let us see it, name it, and refuse to be controlled by it.

Oct 21, 2018: S H E GOT M Y PHONE

Oct 19, 2018:

Oct 17, 2018: L O O K I N G through

Oct 16, 2018: L O V E SMILES

Oct 15, 2018: F I R E in the sky Fire in my heart I don’t know where it ends But I know where it starts

Oct 15, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch

Oct 14, 2018: 🎶🎵✨❤️✨🎵🎶

Oct 14, 2018: B L U E GRAY B E A C H DAY

Oct 12, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch

Oct 11, 2018: S T A N D TALL

Oct 11, 2018: Why we need to proactively manage our expectations and mindset:

Oct 9, 2018: M O O D

Oct 2, 2018: R E C O V E R Y •••••• Hurricane Maria laid this palm almost all the way down. Not uprooted, but damaged. And here she is, learning how to stand tall …

Oct 2, 2018: T E E T H CHECK •••••• A must before any social engagement.

Oct 1, 2018: W A L K your OWN P A T H •••••• And rejoice that we can respect, love, encourage, and support each other even if we are walking very different paths. …

Oct 1, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch:

Sep 30, 2018: E L * F A R O

Sep 30, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch. “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to …

Sep 29, 2018: C H E C K that O I L for you?

Sep 28, 2018: A L I V E and H A P P Y •••••• Lily: “Look Mommy I drew what keeps us alive and happy.” Lily’s plateful: House Water Plants Food …

Sep 26, 2018: ALL T U C K E D IN »> Everyone gets tucked in here at bedtime. But not everyone tries to eat their teddy bear. 🐻

Sep 25, 2018: F R I E N D S … Also can we talk about how I and my friends looked/acted at 12 years old vs how amazing these girls (and their friends) already …

Sep 25, 2018:

Sep 25, 2018:

Sep 24, 2018: M Y ❤️ G I R L …. We did a little photo shoot with @spiralsmith_jewelry and some super fun friends yesterday and I’m not sure which one …

Sep 22, 2018: GUILLIGAN’S I S L A N D

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018:

Sep 22, 2018: I N T R O V E R T MORNING . . . . . After a long and busy week, I am soaking in a morning with no deadlines, nothing scheduled, no activities, no …

Sep 21, 2018: S Q U A D ❤️

Sep 21, 2018: J U M P RIGHT I N

Sep 21, 2018: W A L K the L I N E

Sep 19, 2018: W H A T a BEAUTIFUL V I E W

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018:

Sep 15, 2018: #5, especially. But all of them. From the book Belonging by Toko-pa Turner:…

Sep 14, 2018: F Ú T B O L ⚽⚽⚽

Sep 7, 2018: C A R N I V A L

Sep 5, 2018: Big kids are in school. Joe’s got the little kids with him for the morning. It’s a rare quiet time at home. I should be working or doing …

Sep 2, 2018: Today has been rain nonstop since early afternoon. A cozy, gray, stay indoors + curl up with a story + drink more coffee kind of day. But the Sahara …

Aug 5, 2018: Raise your hand ✋✋✋ if you’re a woman who has ever been the subject of unwanted sexual/aggressive male attention while minding your own business …

Aug 5, 2018: It was a Robinson Crusoe kind of day.

Jul 24, 2018: Morning view.

Jul 16, 2018: I selfie’d. I have nothing profound or funny to say. I just want to show you this picture of myself. Also I never know which filter to use?

Jul 15, 2018: We are flabulous (by @_ )

Jul 13, 2018: Beach philosophy. I’m with Heart.

Jul 12, 2018: I think I get a little more shaved every time… better watch that, I don’t think the all-over crew cut will be a good look for me.

Jul 11, 2018: I love this birthday girl! 12 years old today. And she is so happy about her ukulele.

Jul 8, 2018: Trying to get a decent photo = an exercise in futility. The girls were willing, Rob was half-hiding, and Zeke was definitely not having it.

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 4, 2018:

Jul 1, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 29, 2018:

Jun 28, 2018: Morning by morning.

Jun 19, 2018: Baby bananas! They’re my favorite. (Banana for scale.)

Jun 17, 2018: Happy Father’s Day to my one and only amazing Dad, pun-maker and fun-maker, supporter and friend and someone I will always look up to. 💕 In …

Jun 17, 2018:

Jun 17, 2018:

Jun 17, 2018:

May 13, 2018: My mom, holding my firstborn, Mara, on the day she was born. I miss my Mom every day and am so thankful for all the love she gave me. It continues. …

May 8, 2018: Fierce slide competition around here.

May 6, 2018: Some people do flowers as table decor. We do random naked clay people.

May 2, 2018: We’ve known each other for well over two decades. 2. I think we look better than our high school senior photos. 3. Do we get some kind of hair award? …

Apr 30, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch

Apr 27, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch

Apr 24, 2018: You’ll never know what’s out there if you don’t go exploring. Also this is like two minutes from home so I don’t know that it counts as exploring. But …

Apr 24, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch. From this text: “Every object, every being, Is a jar full of delight. Be a connoisseur, And taste with caution. Any wine will get …

Apr 23, 2018: Today’s Rumi sketch is the best definition of what it is to be creative.

Apr 21, 2018: Reading Rumi again.

Aug 23, 2017: Back to school for these chumps! Okay their first day was a week ago but close enough.

Aug 14, 2017: Today’s walk

Aug 14, 2017: Good stuff from market day.

Aug 11, 2017: This morning’s walk

Jul 26, 2017: I do the productivity; you can tell because of my super fancy standing desk.

Jul 4, 2017: The kids made me breakfast in bed on my birthday which i failed to get a decent photo of but here’s a photo they apparently took of me and I am …

Jun 8, 2017: Mara made paintbrushes: bird feather, kitchen sponge, sea sponge.

Jun 8, 2017: Lily killing this sandwich.

Jun 7, 2017: Mara is working on a book and it’s going to be the greatest book ever made, no question.

Jun 4, 2017: With friends, on the beach, sending off lanterns to celebrate the end of the school year. Lily finished kindergarten and Zeke finished 2nd grade. 🎉❤️💥

Jun 22, 2012:

Jun 20, 2012: Mara is organizing the rubber ducks.

Jun 20, 2012: Mega sized foam tinker toys at the magic house.

Jun 20, 2012: Bark

Jun 18, 2012: Custom made workspace by @barterjoes - loving it!

Jun 18, 2012: Keep that fun level safe, kids.

Jun 18, 2012: Mara made a fathers day card all by herself.

Jun 16, 2012:

Jun 15, 2012: Goodness she’s cute.

Jun 15, 2012:

Jun 15, 2012: And this one… I don’t even know.

Jun 15, 2012: So does he.

Jun 15, 2012: She takes after her father.

Jun 15, 2012: Chicken salad on a salad. Nom

Jun 14, 2012: Lils decided it was much more important for her to help me with work than to take a nap…

Jun 14, 2012:

Jun 13, 2012:

Jun 13, 2012:

Jun 13, 2012:

Jun 11, 2012: This little bunny appeared after our last party. It’s been keeping the plant and me company. :)

Jun 11, 2012: Better than craigslist

Jun 11, 2012: Coffee shop in Washington #missouri

Jun 10, 2012: King midget

Jun 10, 2012: #pacific #missouri

Jun 10, 2012:

Jun 8, 2012:

Jun 8, 2012:

Jun 8, 2012: This is my bodyguard. Don’t mess with me.

Jun 8, 2012: No training wheels

Jun 8, 2012: Freeeeeeeedom!

Jun 8, 2012:

Jun 7, 2012: Local businesses reinvest in the local economy 60% more than chains.

Jun 6, 2012:

Jun 6, 2012: A couple of cuties

Jun 5, 2012: My office this morning…

May 31, 2012: Scones

May 31, 2012:

May 31, 2012:

May 31, 2012:

May 31, 2012: Mara, future aesthetician, putting lotion on Daddy’s back.

May 30, 2012: Just working on my art

May 30, 2012: Giant dry erase board

May 30, 2012: Noooooodles.

May 30, 2012: Mmmmm noodles

May 28, 2012: We were going to eat here for lunch, but they don’t open till 4:30. I am sad. #tennessee

May 28, 2012:

May 28, 2012: Hey Peggy, I found your shoes… here in #mississippi.

May 28, 2012: We got yer tractor parts… #mississippi

May 28, 2012: Arrows!

May 28, 2012: Tiny rocking chairs

May 28, 2012: Happy 30th honey! I got you this tractor…

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012:

May 26, 2012: We brake for large machinery.

May 26, 2012:

May 24, 2012: Mara is one hardcore 5 year old. That’s buffalo sauce she’s been dipping her fries in.

May 22, 2012:

May 22, 2012: The best kind of days always involve bare feet

May 22, 2012:

May 22, 2012:

May 22, 2012: Guess I should unpack the office now

May 19, 2012:

May 19, 2012:

May 19, 2012:

May 19, 2012: Prepping for a healthy week.

May 17, 2012: Dinner includes purple potatoes

May 17, 2012:

May 15, 2012:

May 15, 2012:

May 15, 2012: Baby bum

May 15, 2012:

May 14, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012: Tunnel to picnic spot

May 13, 2012: My bike

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012:

May 13, 2012: Happy mother’s day!

May 13, 2012: #mothersday

May 7, 2012: Getting an early start… in her dartmouth onesie.

May 7, 2012: The natives are restless …

May 7, 2012: Self-portrait + face painting?

May 6, 2012: Our pub/grill is also the #coffee shop. Joe’s inside getting me a cappuccino. Pacific, #Missouri.

May 6, 2012: Old house in my town, Pacific #Missouri.

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012: man enough to rock the pink tricycle

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012: This cup reminds me of @heyjulianna :)

May 4, 2012:

May 4, 2012:

May 2, 2012:

May 1, 2012: Crrrrrazy baby! (Our specialty)

May 1, 2012: Baby food

Apr 30, 2012: New rug!

Apr 29, 2012: Speak softly and carry a big bag…

Apr 27, 2012:

Apr 27, 2012:

Apr 27, 2012: Puppet show

Apr 27, 2012: Lily’s boyfriend :)

Apr 26, 2012: Finished product! Sauteed mushrooms and peppers, fresh avocado, lime, and cilantro on whole wheat tortilla. Yum!

Apr 26, 2012: Making lunch.

Apr 26, 2012:

Apr 26, 2012:

Apr 26, 2012:

Apr 26, 2012:

Apr 25, 2012:

Apr 25, 2012: Peonies…. love em.

Apr 25, 2012: Lily

Apr 24, 2012: Monkeys

Apr 24, 2012: Just doing some yard work

Apr 24, 2012: Muscle man

Apr 19, 2012: Ballerina

Apr 15, 2012: Zeke

Apr 15, 2012: Hullo

Apr 15, 2012: Baby in a wagon

Apr 15, 2012: Sister’s house in Nashville. Waiting for the coffee to brew…

Jun 11, 2011: Need water….

Jun 11, 2011: Fav girls at favorite park.

Jun 11, 2011: Favorite park

Jun 11, 2011: Bling.

Jun 8, 2011:

Jun 8, 2011: Cold goodness

Jun 1, 2011: The boys

May 30, 2011:

May 30, 2011: Peaceful

May 29, 2011: I think we wore them out.

May 29, 2011: Howell island - flooded fast river.

May 28, 2011:

May 28, 2011: The view from my desk

May 27, 2011:

May 27, 2011:

May 27, 2011: