Finished reading: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber 📚

I’ve read a lot of parenting books and recommended very few. This is one I will definitely be recommending. It’s really about communication and how to be better at it, applicable well beyond parenting. (I’ve tried a few of these techniques already during several tricky conversations with peers/adults and, well, they’re helpful). The examples are out-dated and mostly geared toward parents with younger children but (anecdotal evidence ahead) the concepts have been pretty effective with my teens. Each chapter has an “Assignment” section with activities you can do to cement those concepts in place. I skipped these, but I did find some of the “real parent stories” at the end of each chapter helpful. You could skim this book in an hour or so, get the main ideas, and put them to use right away.