One thing I will not do: any sort of #notallAmericans bullshit. We’re a dying empire built on the blood of subjugated peoples. Those of us who benefited from that subjugation for a few centuries don’t get to act surprised now. Roll up your sleeves. We fix it or we don’t. Who’s responsible? We are.
Start by running out of toilet paper, or getting dangerously close. There’s living on the edge, and then there’s running out of toilet paper.
Perhaps you keep extra toilet paper rolls… |…
Currently reading: The Story Collector by Evie Woods 📚
Sarah had grown weary of trying to make things palatable for everyone around her.
Enjoying this one.
The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin Meh.
Read this in one day. It was easy to read and I ended up skimming a lot of boring parts (all the flashbacks… |…
What’s the situation, and what can I do about it?
There are two steps I need to take when there’s something upsetting but complex to deal with: a situation outside… |…
Inconclusive neck region
““Wisdom is the reward for surviving our own stupidity.”
—Brian Rathbone”
Why is entropy so boring?
Here’s a thing that happens to me sometimes: I am doing something mundane, perhaps… |…
Finished reading: The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny 📚
Can’t go wrong with Inspector Gamache.
Urgencies are yappy little dogs
The law of urgency tells us this:
By default, whatever screams the loudest will get the quickest response.
Whatever generates the most discomfort (real or imagined) will get the most… |…
Finished reading: The Warbler by Sarah Beth Durst 📚
Pretty writing, hometown magic vibe, slightly dark edges but happy resolution. No surprises, sweet characters. The emotional themes were hammered in about 40% more than needed, I felt. I skimmed a good bit.
I’m glad I was married, and I’m grateful to not be married anymore
I started writing a comment in reply to Derek Sivers’ latest article. After the 3rd paragraph I realized it was a blog post, not a comment. So here it is.
“Some… |…
Blog challenge - Music edition
🎶 This was fun. I was tagged by @mb (here’s his) and it only took me like 3 weeks to finally get it done. 🎶
What are five of your… |…
If you don’t, somebody else will:
WorryYou can worry about everything in the world or you can let somebody else do that. There are always eager volunteers for the worry patrol.
Either way, it won’t make… |…
Finished reading: The Valley of Horses by Jean M. Auel 📚
Well, hm. So I love how Auel describes the landscape, the scenery, the seasons, the slow but inevitable huge shifts happening in nature. And I enjoy the detail of “bushcraft” provided (even with the unbelievable coincidences that happen with finding just the right thing at just the right time). Beyond that, the characters are okay, the dialogue is so-so at best and absolutely awful at worst. And then there are the sexy times. Look, I don’t mind a little spicy action in a book, but I can only read “his manhood” so many times in one book.
Talk about the thing itself
God help me, fediverse, we have got to stop being so pedantic.
In university, I got a degree in English. I expected lots of reading, lots of writing, and lots… |…
Painting yourself into a corner
I spent a bit of time today downloading a portion of my 753 Kindle books from the clutches of Amazon. 753 is a dumb, dumb number.
I haven’t read all… |…
A good day for love
I have long thought of Valentine’s Day as a good precursor to a better day following when a lot of chocolate goes on sale. But it’s a nice concept, as… |…
Currently reading: If We Burn by Vincent Bevins 📚
“…they very quickly learned that mainstream journalism, embedded within a certain ideological framework and driven by the logic of capital accumulation, could rapidly reframe reality in deeply misleading ways.”
No kidding.