Talk about the thing itself

God help me, fediverse, we have got to stop being so pedantic.Β 

In university, I got a degree in English. I expected lots of reading, lots of writing, and lots… |…

Painting yourself into a corner

I spent a bit of time today downloading a portion of my 753 Kindle books from the clutches of Amazon. 753 is a dumb, dumb number.Β 

I haven’t read all… |…

A good day for love

I have long thought of Valentine’s Day as a good precursor to a better day following when a lot of chocolate goes on sale. But it’s a nice concept, as… |…

Currently reading: If We Burn by Vincent Bevins πŸ“š

β€œβ€¦they very quickly learned that mainstream journalism, embedded within a certain ideological framework and driven by the logic of capital accumulation, could rapidly reframe reality in deeply misleading ways.”

No kidding.

A good night for old cartoons | I’m sitting on the couch. 30 minutes ago I finished an episode of Broadchurch and was getting up to do the last little puttering around things before bed. Then Lily… |…

DNF: Neom by Lavie Tidhar πŸ“š

Interesting world but just not the feel/mood for me right now. Couldn’t get into it. The writing is great. I might revisit this one at some point.

πŸ₯Ύ today’s hiking church. A path curves through the woods. Bare branched deciduous trees rise up on either side with a backdrop of light blue white sky.

Two fallen logs with moss spots lay in the woods on top of brown leaves.

Looking up into a light blue sky with a few white clouds, hovering tree tops with bare branches

A good day for sandwiches | This morning I slept until a child whispered at me: β€œMom. Mom. Almost 8. You gotta take me to school.” 

Right. On it. Rolled out of bed, threw on sweats,… |…

Lou Plummer on People & Blogs

Enjoyed reading this interview of one of my favorite bloggers @amerpie

When things are bad, as they so very often are, I like to crawl into a little hole and stay there, curled up. I want to withdraw. Nurse my wounds,… |…

I really like my job and I really really like the people I work with but I really really really wish the dev team would tell me at least a day or two before they release a major update with a new feature

Don’t love scrambling to add/update docs when the changes are already live.

Your personal brand makes me want to vomit…

The open web as gift economy | @tracydurnell

From the first, making things and sharing them was part of my online experience. To me, it is normal and natural to have my own website where I post things.

This is the biggest difference between how I view being online and how, say, my kids view it. And oh, what a difference it is.

My real-life friends don’t blog but if they did they would be good at it…

Had to log into FB for work & was absolutely delighted to see this from Penzey’s spices

πŸ”— Trust | @patrickrhone

…a loss of trust in society β€” trust in government, trust in institutions, trust in each other β€” is the cause of a break down and, if left uncorrected, end to that society. Period. There is no β€œbut”. You can not have a society without it. Society rises and falls on the strength of it.

Finished reading: Be Not Far from Me by Mindy McGinnis πŸ“š

Easy read, YA, teen girl main character. Set-up for our protag’s experience is annoying only because I myself am not a teenager. The survival parts (what I went for) are detailed and gritty, which I liked. Great? No. Enjoyable? Yes.

Blog question challenge 2025…

πŸ”— Your resolution is to have discipline and put in the work

There isn’t a system, tool, or app that will magically make you better at something.

Constantly researching and trying new tools or systems is a form of procrastination.

The reality is you just need to get to work. Do the work. Put in the time. Do the thing, regardless of the system, tool, or tech. Those things will come as you do the work. Finding a new note taking app isn’t a goal, it is a tactic used to delay you doing the real work of writing things down.

Finished reading: The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin πŸ“š
