how’s everybody in IT doing today? 😬 hanging in there?

community, community, community. So many questions keep leading me back to this same answer.

well, that was awful

am i really listening to the potential leaders of usa insult each other over their golf capabilities and that’s what we’re doing? okay that’s what we’re doing

watching the presidential debate of the united states of america and a key point is about ‘having sex with a porn star’ and so that’s where we are as a country

biden needs a nap, donald needs a straitjacket

trump just called biden “a very bad palestinian” so okay


dying throes of a colonizing empire sure are ugly

after birth? wtf is he talking about

donald is so dumb, biden is so old, i am so depressed

eye of the tiger catto

easy lunch: couple of cans of chickpeas + diced celery, cucumber, pepper + feta cheese + marinated artichoke hearts. Tossed in the oil from the artichokes + lemon juice. A little jalapeño bagel seasoning on top. So good.

Books I read through the divorce process. The progression is 🤣

How small that is, with which we wrestle,
what wrestles with us, how immense;
were we to let ourselves, the way things do,
be conquered thus by the great storm,—
we would become far-reaching and nameless.

What we triumph over is the Small,
and the success itself makes us petty.
The Eternal and Unexampled
will not be bent by us.

…growth is: to be the deeply defeated
by ever greater things.

Rilke, The Man Watching

Finished reading: A Life of Meaning by James Hollis, Ph.D. 📚

We swim in the mystery, and we have to track the movement of Divinity through the tangible world, to try to track the role of the unconscious powers—which by definition is something we don’t know—to see them as they manifest in our dreams, our bodies, our patterns; and to realize we are carriers, humble carriers of the life force that has little interest in our comfort or certainties.

Mandy Brown, Gather your gossips:

Capitalism needed to disparage women’s talk in order to bring itself about because women’s talk—that is, talk that is liberatory, reciprocal, and mutual—is a powerful antidote to the violence, oppression, and theft that capitalism ushered in. That same disparaging force is at work today, in the forces toiling feverishly to restrict reproductive rights and to reinforce the gender binary—because the gender binary is a load-bearing pillar of capitalism. But as the edict to prohibit “babble” attests, only by isolating women, by preventing them from talking, from sharing their experiences with one another, from acting in concert, can that pillar be defended.
This represents an opportunity: if capitalism needs women to be quiet, then women talking is one key to ending capitalism.

Observed while driving L to school:

  1. A young woman walking her dog. She keeps glancing at her dog with this sweet, satisfied half-smile like she's just so pleased and happy to have this particular little dog.
  2. School crossing guard dancing a little jig while waiting for more students who need to cross.
  3. BMW with a personalized license plate that says MEOW. Beside it, a bumper sticker that just says CATS with a heart above it.

Finished reading: Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson 📚

I hated waiting. If I had one particular complaint, it was that my life seemed composed entirely of expectation. I expected–an arrival, an explanation, an apology. There had never been one, a fact I could have accepted, were it not true that, just when I had got used to the limits and dimensions of one moment, I was expelled into the next and made to wonder again if any shapes hid in its shadows. That most moments were substantially the same did not detract at all from the possibility that the next moment might be utterly different. And so the ordinary demanded unblinking attention. Any tedious hour might be the last of its kind.

Knowing is a great strength and also a form of pleasure.

Currently reading: Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux 📚