The simplified pricing multiple blog allowance solved a problem I’ve had for a while: what to do with all the facebook memories I want to keep. The only reason I still have fb. Now: dedicated microblog. Ideal solution.

Finished reading: Jar City by Arnaldur Indridason 📚

And amen. (Mary Oliver, “It Was Early”)

Photo of text from a poem: Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed

I was tinkering with my CSS last night when the server went out and LET ME TELL YOU about the small heart attack I had when I thought for a few seconds that I’d somehow irretrievably broken my entire mb site/account/access….

🥾 today’s hiking church — couple of inches of snow made it so pretty.

being the dumbest person in the room:

I love learning not for an end goal (though sometimes I have those). I love learning as a process. It’s a meaningful, enjoyable activity, a damn good way to spend my hours.

One of the things I enjoy most about microblog: many opportunities for learning. People here are always talking about/sharing interesting stuff.

Finished reading: A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross 📚

Surprisingly deep and tender, with layers I didn’t expect and complex relationships. I was a tad disappointed with the ending, which felt forced into a certain setup. But I’ll definitely be reading the sequel.

Finished reading: The Farthest Shore by Ursula K 📚

Finished reading: The Tombs of Atuan (2) (Earthsea Cycle) by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

Every day I wake up and thank God that I did not have access to social media or dating apps in my teen years or early adulthood

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I…. Got my taxes done. 😍😅Me and the IRS, a love story I never expected. Meet cute at HR Block.

Think I’ll buy myself some roses with that refund…

📺 Fargo - Season 1 A goddamn delight.

what am I missing here… preview looks fine, published post is all [[[()()([][][]

January reading:

  1. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
  2. White Tears/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad
  3. Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver
  4. The Internet Con by Cory Doctorow
  5. On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt / h/t miljko
  6. Railsea by China Miéville
  7. When Your Lover Is a Liar by Susan Forward

R (16yo): Mom lemme hook you up with some sick pants. Try these on.

Heavy wide leg too-big denim taking me right back to the 90s.

Lately my youngest has expressed an interest in religion, which is fine. But I gotta say it’s a little weird when she brings home church info from a friend. I’ve talked to the Mom of this friend before and I think there’s a bit of (attempted) proselytizing in play. I don’t mind at all if my kiddo wants to go to church with a friend but it’s funny/weird to be in this position, being a recipient of “outreach” from the religion I grew up in.

A business card that says “join us Sunday! Expansion Church” rests on a wooden table

From the last few hikes 🥾


Screenshot of a Temu product description: a pet wig, with a photo of a gray and white cat wearing an awkwardly perched bob-style wig with a middle part

Finished reading: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚
Somehow I read Tombs of Atuan several years ago, but skipped this one, the first in the Earthsea series. As always, I love Le Guin’s writing, her focus on characters (i.e. character development is not central to the plot, but IS the plot), and her particular way of balancing specificity, detail, with trusting the reader to fill in the blanks. I think she gets it right every time.

Finished reading: White Tears/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad 📚
Everything I might say about this book seems inadequate, so I’ll just say this: If you, like me, are a white woman, you should read it.