Just noticed that the one coffee travel mug I’ve been using exclusively for the last 6 weeks is flaking off bits of… something…? on the inside. The coating, I guess. So that’s cool. I’m sure it’s fine. Non-cancerous etc. Fine. Absolutely fine.

What? Another little blog post? Yes! β€”β€”The week has gone, the week is ahead - annie’s blog

What’s this? It’s a little blog post! β€”β€” I love your week notes and day notes and art and lists - annie’s blog

Friends I am delighted to report that project #movingtwice2024 is now completed. All the things have been moved. It’s all in shambles disarray & chaos but! It’s all moved. And I am sitting on my adorable tiny balcony eating string cheese and chips and I am gonna sleep soooo good tonight.

I have to talk about my secret hairstyle anniemueller.com

I wonder if I was a good wife anniemueller.com #100daystooffload

I am certainly no expert at parenting but I can tell you without a doubt one thing my four teens really love and appreciate about me (as a person but especially as their mom) is 1) how great I am at dancing and 2) how I am willing to serenade them while dancing as a way of expressing my love.

Things I need to do: 1) Pack. Things I don’t want to do: 1) Pack.

Systems and change anniemueller.com

I’m pretty sure it was a MB pal who recommended Dina Γ–gon but I didn’t bookmark the post, anyway, whoever you are, THANKS.

Dear friends and family who are thinking about voting for Trump anniemueller.com

(I will almost certainly regret this.)

The dearest freshness deep down things

This is one of my favorite poems. I memorized it several years ago, but haven’t read it, or tried reciting it, in… months and months. Decided to give it a go after quoting it in yesterday’s post about getting older. Remembered most of it!

God’s Grandeur
By Gerard Manley Hopkins

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man’s smudge and shares man’s smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs β€”
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

I love getting older anniemueller.com #100daystooffload

Ah football weather! First half: sweating as the blazing sun shines directly on my face and 127 new freckles appear on my blistering forehead. Second half: the sun has dipped behind the trees and the temp subsequently dropped 30 degrees. Shivering, huddled up as the icy wind blows.

Just do the thing anniemueller.com

To walk open-eyed through the earth: anniemueller.com

We made incantation bowls

To make it even easier to get blogging (rather than β€œmanaging content”), we’ve decided to offer a coupon for the entire month of October. Sign up for a Pika Pro plan with coupon code WPCOUPON to get 15% off your first year. (Here’s hoping no one sends us a cease-and-desist letter for that coupon name!)

Pika is People

I rarely remember my dreams. But last night:

I dreamed I was dating a man I met while hiking. (Sure, why not.) Things were going well until one day as we were making out a literal third eye appeared on his forehead and he started sobbing, “You’ve got to fix me! You can fix me! You’re the only one who can fix me!” So, um, anyway, suffice it to say I will not be returning to the world of dating anytime soon. That was terrifying.

As I’ve considered climate impacts, I’ve come to recognize that there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide β€” we are all in this together. While it’s prudent to keep emergency supplies on hand for my household, I reject the individualism of the prepper mindset and am leaning into community as the key to our collective survival.

Managing climate disasters / @tracydurnell