In the woods: a trail disappears around a curve. Mossy roots and leaves in the foreground.

well i super fucking love this

i probably shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet anymore today

OMG A FLOOD OF GUESTBOOK SIGNINGS I AM FILLED WITH GREAT JOY also I made my blog title pretty with CSS (i am basically an internet wizard now)

HEY FRIENDS I just moved my blog to Pika! Come see! omg it’s so great! ALSO sign my guestbook please IT BRINGS ME GREAT JOY. โฎ•

Making baked apples the way I remember my Mom making them. We’ll see if they taste as good as I remember, too.

just canceled ~ $70 of subscriptions. That felt really good.

mocking enthusiasm is such a shitty form of cowardice

Which seat will I take tho?

ignorance + curiosity = a sense of wonder


ignorance + fear = a sense of terror, impending doom

Beabadobee concert last night with Lily! Super fun but oof, general admission floor seats: my feet may not recover. Average age of concert-goer seemed to be about 15. Overhead in reference to opening band: โ€œWhoa the guitarist is, like, seriously old.โ€ โ€œYeah for real. Heโ€™s gotta be over 40.โ€

Currently reading: The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera ๐Ÿ“š

Tuesday night vibes

Clothes โ€” A Daily Thread โ€“ Post 9 | @patrickrhone

“I donโ€™t have answers. Only questions. Questions about a t-shirt that end up in exploitation and hunger because as a Black man in America I canโ€™t ignore that this is the very reason I am a Black Man in America and not Africa because the thread that binds me to my ancestors can be stitched back to the desire for someone who wanted cheap clothing and a system that exploited humans to give it to them.

I think about this. You should too.

I haven’t updated, I’m using my beloved 13 mini till it dies, I don’t even have any new apps but I wanted to share my home screen like the cool kids.

Finished reading: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene ๐Ÿ“š

Took me a full year to get through this one.

Getting accommodations at work shouldnโ€™t be so hard by @tracydurnell

“I shouldnโ€™t have to feel lucky that I could afford to give myself what I needed to recover; my workplace shouldnโ€™t have put me in a position where my health took such a blow. Workers deserve working conditions that donโ€™t harm them.”

Beer and bags of food at 10 in the morning because thereโ€™s no rules at a festival

Mara’s back for the weekend ๐Ÿ’œ Home feels complete.

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