Finished reading: The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis πŸ“š

I don’t even play chess (maybe I should start) but I enjoyed this book. Might watch the Netflix series again now.

Is it funny if I’m the only one laughing?…

You’re the only one…

This is the cheese-o-meter I’ve been waiting for. Thanks @davidmarsden for your service.

The good news is when the battery died I was literally a block from home. And my mechanic’s quick and less than a mile away. The bad news is it’s probably the battery and the alternator so there goes that extra Christmas money I’d been saving. Sometimes, Monday just tries too hard.

πŸ”— Boys don’t cry

Criticism can be the most fierce when it’s coming from within, and there are always more ways to punish yourself. So I’ll repeat advice that I hope someday I’ll be able to take: Be kind to yourself and offer yourself grace.

Well this is delightful

DNF: The Bridge on the River Kwai by Pierre Boulle πŸ“š

not merely dotted with racism, but steeped in it. No thanks.

πŸ”— The Art of NotΒ Sharing

In a society that increasingly values visibility over privacy, choosing to keep parts of our lives to ourselves can feel almost countercultural. Journaling is, in fact, punk as fuck.

In praise of creating crap…

Finished reading: Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls πŸ“š

A biography-as-novel about Jeannette’s grandmother, who was the definition of indomitable. Easy to read, interesting details, and an unforgettable character. #bookstodon

Finished reading: A System for Writing by Bob Doto πŸ“š

Helpful, detailed, clear, and actionable. If you’re at all interested in note-taking (generally) or in being more efficient with your inputs, a helpful read. #bookstodon

Also wrestling season started today so I hope y’all are ready for Saturdays with a stream of constant random updates and photos and commentary on absolutely anything as I hang out in a random high school gym for 6-8 hours so I can watch my kid wrestling for approximately 7 minutes

When the teens want to make Christmas ornament crafts, that’s what we’re gonna do. Meanwhile, Gasoline is already stalking the ornaments.

Two teenagers sit at a table spread with Christmas ornaments and craft items. They are absorbed in painting tiny wooden Christmas tree ornaments. Behind them is a multi-colored lit Christmas tree

A living room: The back of a couch, rainbow curtains, part of a table are visible. An acoustic guitar and a teal ukelele hang on the wall. A Christmas tree with multi colored lights and ornaments, beneath it a black cat stalks the lowest dangling ornament.

I anyw

πŸ₯Ύtoday’s hiking church

A path with a field on one side enters the woods. The foliage is green, yellow, and brown.

A blue sky is broken by towering but in trees with branches reaching high. One treetop with yellow leaves is bright.

A paved path winds around and out of sight  against a hillside studded with trees. The sun gleams through on the left side of the path and fog hovers.

Peering through the woods, an open area with trees widely spaced. Brown leaves make it difficult to see the two deer: one doe laying down and another, young, standing nearby.

The background is divided evenly into blue sky and a brownish yellow hillside of trees. In the foreground, a dramatic tree trunk with twisted branches reaches out, dark against the sunny backdrop.

Community building and traditions…

I keep finding great people…

happy wearable blanket season to all who celebrate