Emotional buffer zone anniemueller.com/posts/emo…

Love your body (of work) anniemueller.com/posts/lov…

If you feel okay, feel okay anniemueller.com/posts/if-…

Practice by doing anniemueller.com/posts/pra…

Finished reading: Ravenwood by Nathan Lowell πŸ“š

Enjoyed this one. A middle-aged woman protagonist, cozy feel, herbs and nature, and some good old-fashioned arse-kicking of villainous bullies.

Finished reading: Solito by Javier Zamora πŸ“š

A heart-wrenching read, especially in these days.

Joy is in the doing anniemueller.com/posts/joy…

November is over, finally anniemueller.com/posts/nov…

πŸ₯Ύhiking church today was especially lovely with the snow. A dirt trail through the woods with a light layer of snow on the ground and snow on the tree branches

Snow covered trees against a light blue and white sky with sun shining overhead

The branches of a pine tree heavy with a coating of snow against a backdrop of snowy woods

A path through a snow-covered field leads to a treeline at the end of the path.

A rocky uphill path with a light layer of snow and trees on either side. Some of the trees still have light green leaves with snow on their branches

Elements of creativity anniemueller.com/posts/ele…

Several hundred things at a time anniemueller.com/posts/sev…

Braved the pre-Thanksgiving crowds at Costco to pick up mac and cheese, pie, dip and chips, and wine. I have made a lot of wrong moves in life but somehow I’ve worked out the holiday food gig pretty well. I’ll show up with these Costco things, hug everyone, and feast.

People may not be persuadable by reason, and we don’t need to assume that they are. But we do have to live as if people are persuadable by love, mercy, and the life you are willing to live with them. This is, after all, the most meaningful form the truth ever takes.

πŸ”— From @tinyroofnail, here

The problem with individuality anniemueller.com/posts/the…

Burn, build, bridge anniemueller.com/posts/bur…

Adventure Time is such a good show

It’s time for another dancing in the kitchen video, ready or not!!!

I’m not technically in the kitchen but trust me, this was safer (giant pot o’ chili on the stove). & I learned how to speed videos up, so basically I’m a movie wizard now.

Dancing is human like art is human like love is human.

Note to self: Cancel more things. Just nope right out. Free up your time, save your energy, do less, say No more often, it’s okay, you don’t have to do all the things.

This poem comes to mind so often.

The World Is Too Much With Us

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;β€”
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not…